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Cath Wilkins Maple Projects HT 2009 Cath Wilkins

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Presentation on theme: "Cath Wilkins Maple Projects HT 2009 Cath Wilkins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cath Wilkins
Maple Projects HT 2009 Cath Wilkins

2 This lecture: The projects Working with the templates
Submitting your projects Getting help Plagiarism Common pitfalls Maximizing marks

3 The projects Project 1 - Compulsory (based on LinearAlgebra – must have read Appendix A in MT Manual)‏ Project 2 - Your choice of one project from Projects 2-5 (Graphics, Waves, Permutations, Countdown)‏

4 The projects Submit each project as a .mw Worksheet using ‘Maple Notation’ Submission deadlines are Friday noon Week 5 (Project 1) and Week 8 (Project 2) For Mods each project counts as a question (a paper being 5 questions)‏

5 Working with the templates
Right click on (from website) and 'Save As' Write your answers (Maple code or text) in the spaces provided Save the final version after removing all output (but leave semi-colons to generate the output you want seen)‏ Make sure your name and college do not appear in your file

6 Working with the templates
[Project 1: Linear algebra [> restart: [> with(LinearAlgebra): [Exercise 1 [ [Exercise 2 [ [Exercise 3

7 Working with the templates
[Project 1: Linear algebra [> restart: [> with(LinearAlgebra): [Exercise 1 [> int(x^2,x=0..2); [Exercise 2 [ [Exercise 3

8 Working with the templates
[Project 1: Linear algebra [> restart: [> with(LinearAlgebra): [Exercise 1 [> int(x^2,x=0..2); [Exercise 2 [ The required area is 8/3. [Exercise 3

9 Submitting your projects
Details on the course website Electronic submission, from anywhere with internet connection University Single Sign On username (eg shug0842) and password needed Deadlines are absolute - don’t leave it to the last minute Make a declaration that it’s all your own work

10 Getting Help No scheduled sessions by college
Small computer room, 2 South Parks Road available: Weeks 2,3,4,6,7 Mon-Fri Weeks 5 and 8 Mon,Tues 2-4, Weds,Thu 2-5, Fri (Demonstrator present except for 2- 3 slots on Mon-Thu of Wks 5 and 8)

11 Other sources of help College tutors can help with any maths involved
For queries specific to the projects me

12 Plagiarism Projects must be your own unaided work and you will be asked to make a declaration to this effect when you submit them

13 Common pitfalls Marks are mainly lost through not reading the question properly Find the first four terms Plot the graph for x in [0,Pi] write a Maple procedure Colons in place of semi-colons Maple code won’t run when executed Wrong Maple input used

14 To maximize marks: Make sure you read the question - and then answer it Put in some lines of comment to explain what your code is doing Summarize your findings in words at the end of each exercise Remember that there are two extra marks for ‘elegant and concise’ code

15 'Elegant and concise' code
Automate repeat actions using loops and/or procedures Assign expressions and solutions to variable names where appropriate – particularly important to avoid losing accuracy when using computed values

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