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Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place

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1 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is an academic meeting place Overview of The European Economy By KSCE Find even more in

2 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 I - The place of the European Union in the world economy From 6 member states to 27 The European Union is a geo-political entity , which are covering a large area of the European continent. It is founded upon numerous treaties and has undergone expansions that have taken it from 6 member states to 27, a majority of states are in Europe. The European union is the first global commercial power of several countries having a market economy, and ahead of the United States and Japan. With the difference that the EU, unlike these two countries, does not constitute a nation

3 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 From EEC to EU The transformation of the European Economic Community (E.E.C) into European Union (E.U) was the last stage preceding the constitution of the Economic and Monetary Union (E.M.U). The E.M.U reinforce the integration of European countries by the adoption of a single currency, The EURO, the consequence of a long maturation which started after the second world war.

4 Macroeconomic situation E.U (27) Population
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Macroeconomic situation E.U (27) Population 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 488 ,756 ,726 491, 023, 535 Population (47 members) in 2005 According to UN population projection, Europe's population may fall to about 7% of world population by 2050, or 653 million people

5 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union EU (27) USA China Japan India 2002 382 288 1281 127 1039.6 2007 495 301 1322 127.4 1129.8 2008 497 304 1330 127.2 1148 Population in million of inhabitants

6 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union Growth rate of the GDP in % EU (27) USA China Japan India 2002 1.0 1.6 8 0.2 5.4 2007 2.9 2.0 13 2.4 9 2008 0.9 1.1 -0.6 7.3

7 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union GDP per capita ($) EU (27) USA China Japan India 2002 25071 35157 4474 25649 2540 2007 25100 46800 5400 33500 3700 2008 29342 47103 3174 38055 2800

8 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union Inflation EU (27) USA China Japan India 2002 2.1 1.6 June (– 0.8) Dec (– 0.4) - 0.9 3.46 2007 2.3 2.8 June 4.40 Dec 6.50 0.0 4.80 2008 3.7 3.8 June 7.10 Dec 1.20 1.4 11.60

9 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union Unemployment EU (27) USA China Japan India June 2008 6.9 5.6 4.1 6.7 Dec 2008 7.6 7.2 4.2 4.3 Mar 2009 8.3 8.5 4.4 7.3

10 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The macroeconomic situation of the European Union Trade Balance EU (27) Million € USA Billion $ China Japan Billion JPY India Million $ June 2008 21.0 104,1 Dec 2008 39.0 -322.2 Mar 2009 Jan 2009 18.6 10.3 (- 956) ?

11 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Economic Indicators 2006 2007 2008 GDP growth rate 1.7 2.9 0.9 GDP per capita $23600 $25100 29342 Inflation 1.8 2.2 3.7 Unemployment 8.4 6.8 7.2 Trade balance - 26.2 (27) Billion € 30.7 (27)

12 Strengths of the European Union
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Strengths of the European Union Strengths Demographic position Poles of competitiveness World trade Wealth

13 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 More than half of the European population will be over 40. Already 22% of the population is older than 60 and this is expected to rise to 36% in 2050, as life expectancy increases and birth rates remain low, at around 1.5 children per woman. This demographic evolution is increasingly weighing down on Europe's economy as the costs of pensions and healthcare swell and the workforce dwindles.  But the European Union will remain the third demographic power of the world

14 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Demographic position The population of the fifteen will decrease in decades to come but according to projections, the European Union will remain the third demographic power of the world. Country Year 1997 2025 China 1236 1569 India 969 1384 United States 267 335 European Union (16) 373 369

15 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 But the share of the European Union in the world population between these two dates will pass from 6.4% to 4.6% The life expectancy will pass from 74 to 81 years but still there is the risk of the aging of the population. In terms of GDP per capita, the E.U is placed among the first three world power The European Union counts for 20% of world trade, occupying the second place after the United States 21%. The EU represents a privileged space for the establishment of companies, possessing more than a quarter of direct foreign investments, preceding the United States and Asia, and one company over two which is established out of the union zone, is European

16 Poles of competitiveness
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 Poles of competitiveness 4/6/2014 The poles of competitiveness of the industry and the services of the European Union are located in: Automobile Mechanics Chemistry Aeronautics Telecommunications Insurances Distribution

17 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Weaknesses of the E.U Weaknesses Energy Data processing Industrial specialization

18 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Energy This weakness is primarily due to oil. Even if the oil of the North Sea decreases the union's energetic dependence, the European Union remains dependant on the rest of the world regarding oil provisioning.

19 Industrial specialization
Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place 4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Industrial specialization The sectors which formerly contributed to the European economic power, at the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth century, disappeared or are in the process of disappearance. (Mines, industries of iron and steel, of metallurgy and textile).

20 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Technologies of the European countries industries are competing with countries with low cost production capabilities, creating a movement of delocalization.

21 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The European Union chose to specialize in high quality goods which leads to strong structural commercial surpluses. (AIRBUS)

22 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 On the other hand, concerning products with low average margin, the European Union cannot create competitive advantage through price.

23 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 The EU owes its place among economically advanced countries, to its aptitude to offer quality products and services and to innovate.

24 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Data processing Japan and the United States benefit from the technological advance in the sectors of information technology, telecommunication electronics and data processing.

25 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 Japan remains the leader in the production of computers and office equipments as well as in the sector of electronics. Nevertheless, the European Union precedes the USA ,Japan and South Korea in the communication products (Sumsung, Aple, NOKIA, ERICSSON, SIEMENS, ALCATEL).

26 Kurdish Strategic Center in Europe is Academic meeting place
4/6/2017 4/6/2014 But the “old Europe” has the particularity of transforming its weaknesses into forces, by changing the size of its companies. the constitution of the European domestic market allowed a number of European companies, (merger and acquisitions at the end of 1990), to constitute large European and transnational groups in sectors such as banking, mass distribution, telecommunications, automobile, chemistry…

27 The next slides will be talking about:
4/6/2014 The next slides will be talking about: Economic and Commercial integration European Coal and Steel European Economical Community.(E.E.C)

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