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Read the passage again and answer the questions.

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1 Read the passage again and answer the questions.
1. What are the great surprises in Pip’s life? 2. What is the great surprise in Estella’s life? 3. How does Pip and Estella’s relationship change? 4. How does Pip and Magwitch’s relationship change? Receiving the money secretly and then finding it is from Magwitch; Marrying Estella who was cruel to him earlier. Finding that the rich man is bad, whereas the poor man (Pip) is good and kind. She is first cold and cruel to him, later falls in love with him and then marries him. At first Pip gives while Magwitch receives; later Magwitch gives while Pip receives.

2 Do Ex 3 on P38. In the 19th century a person found guilty of a crime was called a ________. Instead of being sent to ______, thousands of them were sent to Australia by ship. Many people found they were able to _________ in Australia but it was ______ to return to England. In the story of Great Expectations, Magwitch always remembers Pip’s ________ and this is _______ years later when Magwitch sends money to make Pip a _________. Magwitch returns to England to visit Pip. He tries to _______ from the police but finally he gets caught and dies. convict prison make money illegal kindness repaid gentleman escape

3 Reading (Workbook P105) David Copperfield

4 “I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child
“I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is DAVID COPPERFIELD,” wrote Dickens of what is the most personal, certainly one of the most popular, of all his novels.

5 Reviews Dickens's heavily autobiographical novel describing a young man's rise in the world is a classic story. David Copperfield, the narrator, is orphaned at a tender age and raised first by his brutal stepfather (who halts his schooling and sends him to work in a factory--as did Dickens's own father), then by a kindly aunt. He trains for a career in law, but eventually becomes a writer. An ill-advised marriage brings him considerable unhappiness, but not long after his wife's death he is reunited with his childhood sweetheart. DAVID COPPERFIELD contains many of the characters--Mr. Micawber, Uriah Heep, Betsey Trotwood, Steerforth, and Little Emily--who gave Dickens his reputation as the finest literary portraitist of his age.

6 Read and finish Ex 8-10 (P105-107)

7 Module 3 Book VII Literature Reading practice

8 Pre-reading: Activity 1 (P39)
Look at the title. What do you expect the writer to say? A. London used to be the largest city in the world. B. Today London is a clean city full of skyscrapers and broad avenues. C. London in the 19th century used to be a city with both rich and poor districts. D. Dickens felt at home in London as it is the capital of England.

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