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WHO Country Office, Ghana

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1 WHO Country Office, Ghana
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PORTAL: Building Stronger Health Systems for Sustainable Health Security John Ojo WHO Country Office, Ghana

2 Outline Background What is the Strategic Partnership Portal (SPP)?
Why is the SPP so important? IHR, JEE, and SPP – The Winning Team Who Uses the SPP? Strategic Partnership Portal Demo Conclusion

3 Background July 2015: High-level meeting in Cape Town, South Africa
Theme: ‘Building Health Security Beyond Ebola’ Member States and partners called for WHO to: - Take the lead in the coordination of global health security work - Provide a road map for this work and - Develop a tool for donor and partner coordination WHO has developed that tool: a web-based portal called the Strategic Partnership Portal (SPP) Cape Town, South Africa

4 Identifies the specific needs and gaps each country faces in
What is the Strategic Partnership Portal? A tool that allows countries, donors, partners, international agencies and other health security stakeholders to know the activities and initiatives being carried out in countries in building international health regulations (IHR) capacities. Identifies the specific needs and gaps each country faces in building its IHR capacities. Provides comprehensive, up-to-date reporting of the contributions made by donors and partners The SPP is a great way to showcase to the global community the support each partner is providing to advance IHR capacities in the country Helps potential donors know precisely which areas of the IHR are not receiving enough attention and thus Provides an evidence-based investment decision making.

5 Why Is the SPP so Important?

6 Why is the SPP so Important
Why is the SPP so Important? 1/4 Multiple commitments to address global health security G7 - support IHR in 76 countries USAID’s EPT2 Program G8 Global Partnership’s Biosafety Biosecurity One Health Influenza Partnership G20 - Stop Ebola and Strengthen Global Health Security Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) World Bank’s framework for financing preparedness

7 Why the SPP is so important 2/4 Prevents risk of overlapping investments and duplication
In the past, donor initiatives ran the risk of “overlapping investment” as a result of Lack of visibility of country needs Lack of interagency coordination May result in duplication Added value of the SPP Promotes interagency coordination, communication & collaboration (3C’s) Overlapping investments prevented Duplication of effort prevented

8 Why the SPP is so important 3/4 The SPP is a real game changer
Strategic Partnership Portal Financial Contributions Non-Funding Contributions Why the SPP is so important 3/4 The SPP is a real game changer Using the SPP and linking with WHO’s network of over 100 donor contacts, the investments made by donor initiatives can be better aligned to contribute to a country’s real needs and gaps. Donor contributions aligned to Country’s needs & Gaps

9 Why the SPP is so important 4/4 A powerful advocacy & resource mobilization tool

10 World Health Organization
28 May 2018 IHR, JEE, and SPP – The Winning Team NAP Donor Contribution Linked to National Planning & Budget Cycle Country Needs/Gaps SPP External financing Domestic financing Develop and Cost Country Plan IHR Self Assessment Country WHO Recommendation The goal of the meeting is to bring together key national, regional and international stakeholders needed to establish a common framework of action needed to support, coordinate and intensify the strategic development and maintenance of health security preparedness. WHO Experts Joint External Evaluation Rostered Experts

11 Funding the National Action Plan: an example
World Health Organization 28 May 2018 Funding the National Action Plan: an example Donor Contribution SPP Country Needs/Gaps US$10,000,000 National Action Plan External financing The goal of the meeting is to bring together key national, regional and international stakeholders needed to establish a common framework of action needed to support, coordinate and intensify the strategic development and maintenance of health security preparedness. US$60,000,000 US$100,000,000 Domestic financing US$30,000,000

12 The Strategic Partnership Portal demo https://extranet. who

13 The SPP maps who is investing where
Donors and the countries they support in the Africa Region

14 The Strategic Partnership Portal demo https://extranet. who

15 Donor contribution flow

16 The Strategic Partnership Portal demo https://extranet. who

17 The Strategic Partnership Portal demo https://extranet. who

18 Countries in AFRO with a SPP
Focal Point Who Uses the SPP? Selected countries in 3 WHO regions: AFRO, EMRO and EURO Currently 11 countries in the Afro region: Cameroon Cote D'Ivoire Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Malawi Mali Mauritania Senegal Tanzania Uganda AMRO and SEARO in discussions to join

19 The SPP and the donor community
June 2016: High-level meeting in Bali, Indonesia Theme: ‘Advancing Global Health Security: From Commitments to Actions’ The SPP presented to delegates - 250 participants, 52 countries, 28 international organizations Tool well accepted, delegates commended WHO The SPP would assist donors to make informed investment decisions Bali, Indonesia

20 Conclusion The Strategic Partnership Portal aligns donor contributions to a country’s real needs and gaps. The SPP assists IHR implementation through enhanced donor/country coordination & interagency coordination. Using the SPP will open countries to rich sources of funding for their IHR core capacities development and hence build stronger health systems for sustainable health security.


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