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Mini brief – Solar powered clock

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1 Mini brief – Solar powered clock
Name: Teacher:

2 Design Brief Must Initial Spec (this is given to you on the brief sheet) Should Could Target Market Design brief (consider 5Ws – What, Who, Why, Where, When)

3 Research and Analysis Product Analysis Focused research Inspiration
Aesthetics (what does it look like? What are its colours, form and shape?) Target Market (Who is it for? Why is it suitable for them? Who else might use it?) Function (How does it work? Where is it used? Does it work well?) Materials and Components (What is made from? Does it have any ready made components?) Manufacture (what tools or machines are used to make this?) Cost (How much does it cost to buy and to make? Is this a good/bad price?) Environmental Issues (Is it recyclable/reusable? Does it last a long time?) Inspiration (Pick 4 images which will inspire you when you are design) Ergonomics (Look into how a product needs to be the correct dimension and be comfortable to use) Technology (Look at solar technology and why it is a suitable why to power the clock)

4 Focused Specification
Specification (this should be a more focused and detailed specification including info from your research conclusion- what the product WILL do) Heading Point Justification Target Market Function Aesthetics Materials and Components Size Durability Safety Cost

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