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Invented by NASA: Myth or Fact?

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Presentation on theme: "Invented by NASA: Myth or Fact?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invented by NASA: Myth or Fact?
Ronald J. Leach

2 Space. the Final Frontier
Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.

3 NASA Mission Statement
To improve life here, To extend life to there, To find life beyond. NASA Vision To understand and protect our home planet, To explore the Universe and search for life, and To inspire the next generation of explorers... as only NASA can.

4 At what cost? About $17.8 billion About $57 per capita Is it worth it?

5 Recreation

6 Swimsuit invented by NASA?
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

7 Swimsuit invented by NASA -No
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

8 Swimsuit material invented by NASA?
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

9 Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

10 Golf clubs invented by NASA?
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

11 Golf clubs invented by NASA - No
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

12 Golf club materials invented by NASA?
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

13 NASA invented metallurgy technology
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

14 Alan Shepard, Apollo XIV

15 Did NASA Invent Sneakers?

16 Did NASA Invent Sneakers
Did NASA Invent Sneakers? – No, just the stress-free "blow molding" process adapted from space suit design Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

17 Health

18 NASA Invention?

19 NASA Invention! Cardio conditioner developed for astronauts
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

20 A NASA Invention?


22 A NASA Invention? Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

23 A NASA Invention! A NASA developed chemical process was responsible for development of dialysis machines

24 NASA Invention?

25 NASA Invention! Testing for imperfections … CAT scanners.
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

26 Food

27 NASA Invention?

28 NASA Invention!

29 Invented by NASA?

30 Popularized, not invented, by NASA

31 NASA Invention?

32 NASA Invention! cook/chill approach for serving food
Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

33 Personal

34 NASA Invention?

35 NASA Invention?

36 NASA Invention! Courtesy: San Jose Examiner,

37 Invented by NASA? Courtesy:

38 Used by NASA! Courtesy:

39 Disposable diapers invented by NASA?

40 Disposable diaper invented by NASA?

41 Disposable underwear for adults invented by NASA?
The answer is:

42 Disposable underwear for adults invented by NASA
The answer is: Depends

43 Science

44 Supercomputers – invented by NASA? NO ….
Courtesy: Computer Museum

45 Beowulf

46 Beowulf – not invented by NASA

47 Beowulf clusters –invented by NASA

48 GPS – Invented at NASA?


50 Planet Earth : Pakistan flood

51 Coping with isolation in space
Lessons learned help trapped Chilean miners

52 Titan (Saturn moon) and Earth

53 Solar flare Aug 1, 2010

54 How much does NASA cost? About $17.8 billion About $57 per capita
Is it worth it?

55 55

56 Thank You

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