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(Hispanic Country Project) By: Liam Gallinagh

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1 (Hispanic Country Project) By: Liam Gallinagh
Paraguay (Hispanic Country Project) By: Liam Gallinagh

2 Mapa y ubicacion Paraguay borders Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia
Paraguay’s capital is Asuncion

3 La guerra de la triple alianza
Paraguay fought Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay all at once Lost in 1870 after five years of blood and war Paraguay’s population went from about 525,000 to 221,000 people only about 28,000 were men

4 Religiones del Paraguay
89.6% are Roman Catholic 6.2% are evangelical Christian 1.1% are other Christians 0.6 follow indigenous religions

5 Clima y tiempo Warm tropical air
Seasonal average temperature is 24 degrees Celsius January is the warmest month in Paraguay August has the least amount of rain in Paraguay Wettest times are March-May and October-November

6 Gobierno de Paraguay Paraguay is a democracy
Every citizen of Paraguay has a right to privacy Every citizen is allowed to have private property

7 Especial de vacaciones
Heroes’ day March. 1 Heroes’ day is celebrated to honor all the people who died for the country from anything such as war

8 Atracciones turisticas de Paraguay
The Igazu Cae are even more amazing then Niagara Falls The jardines botanicos are such a great attraction because of its vast variety of wildlife The ruinas de Trinidad make an amazing attraction for telling the history of Paraguay

9 Paraguay en moneda Paraguay’s currency is the Guarani
The Guarani is only available in paper form

10 Actual lider de Paraguay
The leader of Paraguay is Fernando Lugo Lugo was the first president outside of the Colorado Party

11 Las principales exportaciones
One major export of Paraguay is soybeans Another major export is beef

12 Cancion tradicional The most traditional song of Paraguay is the Paraguayan Polka

13 Un persona famosa de Paraguay
Dionisio Arce is a famous futbol player Dionisio was on the Paraguayan futbol team when they won a silver medal in the 2004 Olympics

14 Bibliografia

15 Bibliografia

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