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AP Human Geography Thursday,

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1 AP Human Geography Thursday, 11-13-08
Ch 3 Quiz 2 Friday Please put your homework on your desk so it can be checked. Set up page 79 for class-work today. Turn your textbook to page 97.

2 P79 Key Issue 2 and 3 Look at Figure 3-7 on page 97 in the textbook.
Read through the information. Write and explain a push factor and a pull factor for these undocumented immigrants from Mexico. Look at Figure 3-6 on page 95. Write and explain if you feel the “distance decay” concept applies or does not apply to Latin America migration to the United States. Explain your reasoning. Push factor from Mexico would be poverty, lack of jobs. Pull factors might include availability of jobs, “land of opportunity” idea, family already in U.S. Distance decay says there is less importance to the phenomena as the distance increases. Latin American residents primarily migrate to the U.S. which is closer to them than to migrate to Europe or Asia which is further away. So yes we can say for the most part that the distance decay theory does apply to Latin American migration to the U.S.

3 Pg 76 Key Issue #2 Look at Figure 3-4 on page 92. Answer these questions: What years reflect the peak of Northern and Western European migration to the U.S.? What years reflect the peak of Southern and Eastern European migration to the U.S.? What year represents the lowest number of immigrants? Which 2 regions have the largest # of immigrants today to the U.S.? Study Skill Tip ~ Pay attention to information in maps and charts as they help explain information in the text. Why? This is when British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Spanish, French, Germans, Danish, Swedish, Dutch immigrated to the U.S. through Ellis Island. This was after the Industrial Revolution in Europe and during the Industrial Revolution of the U.S. Lots of factory workers were needed. First wave: , then Lots of Italians, Greeks, Turks, Romanians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Hungarians, Bulgarians, etc. 1935 – Beginning of WW2 – quotas placed on different countries during the 1920s. Asia and Latin America

4 Quiz tomorrow on Key Issue 2 & 3
The quiz will not be multiple choice. It is true/false and short answer. For Key Issue 2 review this content: Class notes and HW from last night. For Key Issue 3 review this content… 1921 Quota Act 1924 National Origins Act 1965 Immigration Act 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act Current laws for immigrant quotas What are the causes and effects of “brain drain”? Use the seating chart and check off if the students completed this HW. You can write 100%; 75%; 50%; 25% or 0. You don’t have to look over everything. Just get an idea of how much they completed. They should have notes for 8 sub-sections for the first main; and 5 sub-sections for the second main idea.

5 P77 Homework U.S. Immigration Patterns
Colonial immigration from England & Africa 19th century immigration from Europe 1st Peak of European immigration 2nd Peak of European immigration 3rd Peak of European immigration Recent immigration from LDRs Immigration from Asia Immigration from Latin America

6 P77 Homework Impact of Immigration on the U.S.
Legacy of European Migration Europe’s Demographic Transition Diffusion of European Culture Undocumented Immigration to the U.S. Destination of Immigrants within the U.S.

7 Hotel Rwanda Continue to watch more of this film, if time.
Continue to answer questions.

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