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Presentation on theme: "AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS CLUBS"— Presentation transcript:

St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS CLUBS Mondays Year 3 – 6 Dodgeball Club Mon 29th Feb - Mon 21st March with Mr Smith Price: £12.00 for 4 weekly sessions Tuesdays Year R, 1 & 2 Football Club Tues 8th March – Tues 22nd March Price: £9.00 for 3 weekly sessions* Wednesdays Yr Health & Fitness Club (Bleep Test, Circuit Training, Aerobics, and much more!) Weds 2nd March - Weds 23rd March To book a place you MUST fill out the tear off slip below and return it to school as soon as possible with your payment in a sealed envelope Please make cheques payable to YMCA Derbyshire Each club runs from 3.20pm – 4.20pm Children must be collected promptly after each club Persistent lateness upon collection will result in parents being charged £1 per 5 minutes late to cover child care Each session is £3.00 per child (full amount to be paid in advance) Photography is strictly prohibited Children will require a drink (especially for fitness club!) as well as suitable footwear and PE kit Refunds will only be given for exceptional circumstances Each course is limited to 20 places For more information please call *Please note, football club will not run on Tuesday 1st March due to parents evening. YMCA Derbyshire After School Clubs Please tick the box of the club(s) your child wishes to attend F3165 01 01/16 Mon Year 3 – 6 Dodgeball Club Tues Year R, 1 & 2 Football Club Weds Year 1 – 6 Fitness Club Child’s name: Age: DOB: Year/class: Address: Telephone: Mobile: Medical conditions/medications: Signed: Parent/Guardian name: Amount paid: £ Please tick if you do not wish your child to be included in official photography


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