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Key Compromises at the Convention

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1 Key Compromises at the Convention

2 Shays’s Rebellion (Massachusetts)
farmers felt being taxed too much demanded courts be closed (did not happen) Shays’s army  mob of 1,200 angry farmers marched towards arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts state militia called out  4 rebels killed NEED A STRONG CENTRAL GOV”T TO PROTECT NATION


4 Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia: May, 1787 Goal: fix the Articles of Confederation Problem: too many problems to be fixed Result: increase the power of the central gov’t

5 Small States Large States

6 one house legislature Unicameral (1 house w/ 1 vote) = rep in Congress smaller states support - feared losing power in federal gov’t

7 bicameral: two house legislature
rep to Congress based on pop more people = more votes = more say supported by larger states

8 The Great Compromise two house legislature (bicameral)
equal rep per state in Senate rep in H of R proportional to pop

9 The Great Compromise

10 Southern States Northern States

11 count slaves as pop to determine rep in H or R
don’t count slaves for purpose of determining taxation

12 don’t count slaves as pop to determine rep in H of R
count slaves for purpose of determining taxation

13 The 3/5ths Compromise 3/5ths of slaves counted as pop in determining rep 3/5ths of slaves counted for determining taxation

14 Weakness in Articles of Confederation Example Change in Constitution
No Standing Army Inability to deal with threat i.e. "Shay's Rebellion" Fed Government is given the power to raise and maintain a standing army No Executive Leadership Failure of direct leadership  indecision strong executive (President) is created No Single National Currency States minted money, no set exchange disrupted trade among the states Congress is granted sole power to coin money No Federal Taxation States did not pay debts  federal gov't had no $$ Congress granted power to tax, impose duty and raise tariffs Each State had Equal Vote in Congress Smaller states w/ low pop. had disproportional power Bicameral Legislature with proportional representation in the House of Reps. Required Unanimous Vote to Amend inability to correct failures under AofC 1787 Const Conv replaced AofC rather than amending them

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