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Dr Ornette D Clennon Manchester Metropolitan University

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1 Underneath Blackness: The ‘Black’ Face of Eurocentrism: What’s Whiteness Got To Do With It?
Dr Ornette D Clennon Manchester Metropolitan University Critical Race and Ethnicity Research Cluster Critracemmu

2 Eurocentrism Performing ‘whiteness’ (Wallerstein, 1997; Wallerstein, 2003; Mignolo & Escobar, 2010) View of ‘blackness’ as an “artefact” (Fanon, 1986[1952], p. 6) of ‘whiteness’ Africanist presence of ‘blackness’ in American literature that acts as an existentially dialectic tool of ‘whiteness’ (Morrison, 1993)

3 Disavowed ‘Blackness’
‘Blackness’ is disavowed and as a consequence, its alter ego is pathological (Altman, 2006) Invisibility of ‘whiteness’ in terms of its universal “eye” (Bourdieu, 1984, p. 3)

4 Market ‘Blackness’ ‘Blackness’ is traded as a market commodity (Collins, 2006) Is market ‘blackness’ literally just a ‘black-face’ (Gubar, 1997) form of ‘whiteness’? The market transformation of ‘blackness’ into a commercial hegemony via ‘market freedom’ and ‘individuality’ (Graeber , 2006; De Angelis , 2001; Bentham, 1787; Hayek, 1976) Globalisation and Postcolonial theory as two sides of the same coin (Krishnaswarmy, 2002)?

5 Coloniality of ‘Blackness’
Eurocentric expansion via neoliberalism has taken the form of a soft global power that commodifies culture (Adorno, 1991) “Coloniality of power” (Mignolo, 2002) Positioning commercial ‘black’ culture as a form of global romanticism (Kvifte, 2001) called Afro Neo Romanticism The use of ‘black’ visual and cultural signifiers (Baudrillard, 1972) to expand its global cultural expansion Beyonce and Cultivated-authenticity (Benjamin, 1999; (via) Lewandowski, 2005) Is Benjamin’s “Open spaces as revolution” the same as ‘Contested/subverted/authentic cultural spaces as revolution’?

6 Bibliography Adorno, T. (1991). The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture. London: Routledge. Altman, N. (2006). Whiteness. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, LXXV(1), Baudrillard, J. (1972). For a Crtique of the Political Economy of the Sign. St. Louis, Missouri: Telos Press Ltd. Benjamin, W. (1999). The Arcades Project. (R. Tiedemann, Ed., H. Eiland, & K. McLaughlin, Trans.) Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Bentham, J. (1787). Panopticon: or the Inspection-House. Dublin: Thomas Byrne. Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. (R. Nice, Trans.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Collins, P. H. (2006). New commodities, new consumers: Selling blackness in a global marketplace. Ethnicities, 6(3), 297–317. De Angelis , M. (2001, May). Global Capital, Abstract Labour, and the Fractal Panopticon. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from The Commoner; Number 1: Fanon, F. (1986[1952]). Black Skin, White Masks. (C. L. Markmann, Trans.) London: Pluto Press. Graeber , D. (2006). Turning Modes of Production Inside Out: Or, Why Capitalism is a Transformation of Slavery. Critique of Anthropology, 26(1), 61–85. Gubar, S. (1997). Racechanges: White Skin, Black Face in American Culture. New York: Oxford University Press. Hayek, F. (1976). The Market-order or Catallaxy. In F. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty (Vol. 2, pp ). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Hobson, J. M. (2012). The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics: Western International Theory, New York: Cambridge University Press. Hook, D. (2005). A critical psychology of the postcolonial. Theory & Psychology, 15(4), Krishnaswarmy, R. (2002). The criticism of culture and the culture of criticism at the intersection of postcolonialism and globalisation theory. Diacritics, 32(2), Kvifte, T. (2001). Hunting for the Gold at the end of the Rainbow: Identity and Global Romanticism On the Roots of Ethnic Music. Retrieved July 26, 2013, from Popular Musicology Online: Lewandowski, J. D. (2005). Street culture: The Dialectic of Urbanism in Walter Benjamin's Passagen-werk. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 31(3), Mignolo, W. (2002). The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference. South Atlantic Quarterly, 101(1), Mignolo, W. D., & Escobar, A. (Eds.). (2010). Globalization and the Decolonial Option. Oxford: Routledge. Morrison, T. (1993). Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary. New York: Vintage. Wallerstein, I. (1997). Eurocentrism and its Avatars: The Dilemmas of Social Science. New Left Review, 226, Wallerstein, I. (2003). Historical Capitalism with Capitalist Civilization (11 ed.). London, New York: Verso.

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