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The Normal Radical.

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1 The Normal Radical

2 Review Sunday 9th October 2016 The Normal Radical

3 Normal Radical – Do you remember…
Called to live our Normal lives Radically. Our values are as radical today as when we first discovered them Rediscover & reapply the values Permission to de- & re-construct expressions A lot is coming at you very fast – feel free to take your time. In some cases it take time to process and longer to break a habit Expect a lag between presentation – revelation – application

4 Plan for today Secondary Illumination (thoughts sparked by what we’ve been looking at) Evidence that Spirit of Adventure is taking root Question Time (Panel) Secondary Illumination 15mins Signs of SoA taking root p1 10mins Panel Part mins Signs of SoA taking root p2 10mins Panel Part mins TOTAL 65mins

5 1. Secondary Illumination

6 (a) Thinking about community

7 (b) Thinking about source & channels

8 Source = God Channels Needed resource Resource Forsake other need
Enterprise income Salary Friends & family Cost Cutting Miraculous Needed resource Resource

9 Seed (to be invested) vs. bread (to be eaten)
Seed - The red dress was always intended for someone else Bread - £15,000 watch – ok to have if father gave it to me God can save by many (£’s) or by few (£’s).

10 2. Where have you see signs of the Spirit of Adventure taking root in this community?

11 2. Where have you seen signs of the Spirit of Adventure taking root in this community?
McKernan/Newman – Jane Shetewi – moment after agreeing to give opportunity to become a ‘nutsheller’ Dorman - Laura Gill - followed her nudge to invite a mum from the school gate to community café Griffins – Susan Hayward - Italian/Albanian lady Griffins – Silvia Allen – as a group decided to do Dorothy’s garden but were blessed in process as they found common goal, great energy and discussion Akermans – David praying for neighbour/Andy & David praying for someone in pharmacy Gwyn – invite neighbour Paisleys –The person who has decided to tithe because they recognise that all they have comes from God Paisleys - Martin Smith - The person who has suddenly 'sprung into life' in terms of engagement, care and concern for others in the group.

12 3. Question Time

13 Serving Responding to need
If you see a need but aren’t asked, do you still serve? Do you have to specifically hear God or can you just get on with it? Avril

14 Serving People were saying you should serve with your heart in it. But if it's a sacrifice, won't that make me a bit miserable? Elspeth

15 Serving Saying ‘no’ to serving opportunity
Is it really okay to say no? How do you respond if someone brings a ‘correction’? How do we avoid judging others motivation to serving/not serving? How much serving must you do before you have official licence to turn other opportunities down? How to recognize when a particular serving action needs to stop? Nathan

16 Serving Can someone serve too much or too little? What is our opportunity/responsibility to such people? Phil

17 Money Matters I assumed that the people sent out from the church e.g. teaching International Doulos and the like (not team) were funded from the church ‘coffer’ i.e. the tithes and offerings. Is this in fact the case? Avril

18 Money Matters Is it ok to have savings when others cannot pay their bills? Elspeth

19 2. Where have you seen signs of the Spirit of Adventure taking root in this community?
McKernan/Newman – Jane Shetewi – moment after agreeing to give opportunity to become a ‘nutsheller’ Dorman - Laura Gill - followed her nudge to invite a mum from the school gate to community café Griffins – Susan Hayward - Italian/Albanian lady Griffins – Silvia Allen – as a group decided to do Dorothy’s garden but were blessed in process as they found common goal, great energy and discussion Akermans – David praying for neighbour/Andy & David praying for someone in pharmacy Gwyn – invite neighbour Paisleys –The person who has decided to tithe because they recognise that all they have comes from God Paisleys - Martin Smith - The person who has suddenly 'sprung into life' in terms of engagement, care and concern for others in the group.

20 3. Question Time

21 Money Matters When do we say no to lending money? Nathan

22 Money Matters Is it ok that I feel a loss when I give? Phil

23 Community Life Is it ok not to go to socials if you don't feel a part of the group? Nathan

24 Community Life When you have a busy job how do you get to meetings?
Phil Lots of our questions and answers as a community seem to evolve around meetings!

25 Community Life If you have only budgeted for one family holiday would it be ok to prioritise a family holiday over a church holiday? Anyone

26 Misc If we say that perceived "walls" need to be overcome with Scripture and testimonies, is it ok to have ten minutes teaching without a single reference to Scripture and say that reference will be given in the notes? I thought the notes were a synopsis not an extension of Sunday teaching. I will look up the Bible reference and compare it with has been said. Will everyone else? Avril

27 Misc Is it ok that children have to endure so much pressure doing GCES, a levels and uni degrees? Elspeth

28 Response God empowers us to live surrendered lives that…
Serve sacrificially (not conveniently) Can see how to love those around us Are moved by compassion (not guilt or process) Are wise to respond appropriately to need Reveal the Father’s heart through serving Response – maybe you have had opportunity to see your need for God to empower you this week Midweek groups – Serving Sunday x2 – Daniel

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