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Solar Limb Darkening Samantha Youles.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Limb Darkening Samantha Youles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Limb Darkening Samantha Youles

2 Photosphere Solar Limb Darkening Depth ~ 330 km Temperature gradient
Density gradient Mean free path Local thermal equilibrium Blackbody, L = 4πR2σT4eff Samantha Youles

3 Equipment Solar Limb Darkening 12” Meade Schmidt Cassegrain telescope
FireWire 400 Monochrome camera AstroSolar Safety Film Coloured filters PC Samantha Youles

4 Exposure Times Sample box size Solar Limb Darkening Clear 1/350 s
Blue /12 s Green 1/45 s Red /55 s Sample box size 10 x 10 pixels Samantha Youles

5 Solar edges determined with derivative of intensity.
Solar Limb Darkening Solar edges determined with derivative of intensity. Standard deviation from drift scan of central region. Samantha Youles

6 Uncertainties Solar Limb Darkening Solar surface Magnetic field
Granulation Faculae Sunspots Atmosphere Dust on equipment Residual light Samantha Youles

7 Curve Fitting Solar Limb Darkening Curve Fitting Plot χ2 (a)
Full 5014 Left 316 Right 354 Samantha Youles

8 Solar Limb Darkening Equation of Radiative transport Samantha Youles

9 Planck’s Radiation Law
Solar Limb Darkening Planck’s Radiation Law Reduction in uncertainties using full covariance matrix by 1/3. Temperature as a function of Optical Depth Samantha Youles

10 Solar Limb Darkening Effective Temperature Optical Depthse Samantha Youles

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