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Higher Education Information 2017

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1 Higher Education Information 2017
Miss L Rogers – Director of Sixth Form Mr I Britten – Assistant Director of Sixth Form

2 Higher education courses Making choices The UCAS form and Apply online
The system Information and advice available Finance

3 Higher education - the basics
Each student applies through UCAS via the electronic system (available at home) Choose up to five different courses These are usually similar subjects at 5 different universities All students should have started their application before the summer and have already started visiting university open days

4 Higher Education Courses
Over 900 different subjects and 60,000 different degree, diploma or HE and HND courses available. NO-ONE CAN DECIDE FOR YOU!!! Single Subject Combination Equally Business and French Subsidiary Business with French

5 Higher Education Courses
There are lots of different types of courses available, so think what would suit you best: Sandwich Courses Year in industry or abroad Often in Languages, Engineering, Business Course Duration Most degree courses are three years Sandwich courses are four years Medicine is five years, six with a foundation year Art usually requires a foundation year first HNDs are two years

6 Higher Education Courses
The Institutions Old Universities Oxbridge Russell Group Campus universities Specialist Colleges New Universities Former Polytechnics

7 Timeline 1st September Applications can be submitted to UCAS
 October 2nd School Deadline for Oxbridge, Veterinary, Medicine and Dentistry applications.  15th October UCAS deadline for Oxbridge, Veterinary, Medicine and Dentistry Applications. 1st December School deadline for completing UCAS application  15th January UCAS deadline, includes most Art courses but check individual establishments.  Late February Applications for student finance go live online.  March 2018 Those who do not hold offers can apply through EXTRA  16th August A Level results. Clearing vacancies published  Late September last date for clearing applications.

8 The Russell Group Typically ask for higher grades/points
University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University Durham University University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Glasgow Imperial College London King's College London University of Leeds University of Liverpool London School of Economics University of Manchester Newcastle University University of Nottingham University of Oxford Queen Mary University of London Queen's University Belfast University of Sheffield University of Southampton University College London University of Warwick University of York Typically ask for higher grades/points

9 Making Choices Think why you want to go to university :
To study a favourite subject(s) University sounds interesting You want a career that requires a degree You hope to earn more money in the future To gain life experiences Cannot decide what job to do at the moment

10 Variety of Course Titles
Making Choices What do you want to study? Single Subject Combined Subjects Variety of Course Titles

11 Making Choices Where would you like to be for the next 3+ years?
Far from home (avoid parents) Near to home (get washing and ironing done by mum/dad) Campus or town or city? Accommodation? Quality of Course? Reputation? Likely wages after qualification. Student Life?

12 Making Choices How about taking a gap year? After Year 13
Apply for deferred entry Or wait until 2019/2020? Voluntary Work Go Abroad Gain life experience Earn money to finance studies

13 Here are a few you might (and might not!) consider:
University Rankings There are lots of different ways of comparing universities. All of these comparisons are on the internet. Here are a few you might (and might not!) consider:

14 University Rankings Top Ten 2018 Top Five in South West Cambridge
Oxford St Andrews London School of Economics Imperial College London Durham University College London Warwick Lancaster Loughborough Top Five in South West Bath Exeter Bristol Bournemouth University of the West of England (UWE) (

15 Best Universities for subjects 2018
University Rankings Best Universities for subjects 2018 Drama Lancaster English Durham Food Science Surrey Marketing Bath Maths Cambridge Nursing Glasgow Social work Nottingham Psychology Oxford Law Education

16 Top 5 universities for student satisfaction 2018
University Rankings Top 5 universities for student satisfaction 2018 1. University of Buckingham 2. Liverpool Hope 3. St Andrews 4. Keele 5. Coventry

17 Competitiveness Law Medicine Westminster 29 Warwick 20 Durham 8
Bristol 5 Manchester Met 21 Leeds 15 Birmingham 6 Newcastle 7 Cardiff Southampton 7 London (King’s) 12 Sheffield 9 Cardiff 9 Nottingham 8 Bristol Cambridge 9 Leicester 12 Oxford 9 Newcastle 16 Liverpool 8

18 The UCAS online application system and form completion.
Apply The UCAS online application system and form completion.

19 It’s a big decision… we aim to make sure they make the right choice!

20 Process Student makes choices - informs tutor
Completes form with help from tutor, Sixth form Team. Final version is checked by Director of Sixth Form. School adds reference written by tutor and Director of Sixth Form. Input from subject teachers Predicted Grades included Student pays by credit/debit card.

21 Every applicant has five sections to complete: Personal details
Every applicant has five sections to complete: Personal details Choices Education Employment Personal Statement A member of staff at school, usually their tutor, will then complete a reference. Fees £24.00 for up to 5 applications, £13.00 for an application to a single institute

22 Admissions Tutors look for:-
GCSE results Other academic and vocational attainment Predicted grades Personal statement Reference Admissions tests Piece of written work Portfolio Interview Audition * Admission tutors do not know which other universities an applicant has applied to.

23 Personal Statement “The Personal Statement is a students’ chance to sell and differentiate themselves…to influence the Admission Tutors and explain their motivations” “Personal statements are like a paper based Interview” The same principles apply… First impressions count! Appearance & presentation is important Keep to the point Impress the interviewer

24 The UCAS System

25 The Exciting Bit Some courses will interview
Oxbridge, medicine, education, law, London universities, popular courses, teaching, veterinary, dentistry, physiotherapy Many will not. Offers and Rejections will be sent Informally from the University Via “Track” online

26 The Exciting Bit Most offers will be conditional, very occasionally they will be unconditional. If you get two or more offers : you can keep only two - one firm and one insurance If you get five rejections : You can then apply to “UCAS Extra”


28 Conditions The Offer UCAS tariff points: A level
A* = 56 points A=48 B=40 C=32 D=24 E=16 UCAS tariff points AS level A = 20 B=16 C=12 D=10 E=6 Many universities still using grades e.g. A B B There may be an additional requirement in addition to the points e.g. “And a B in mathematics”

29 Conditions The Offer Points are better!
e.g. University 1 offers 120 points University 2 offers ABC (apparently the same?!) BBB would be good enough for the first university, but not the second.

30 Grades are not necessarily a measure of quality
Conditions Typical Offers HEALTH WARNING! Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Physiotherapy A*A*A - AAB Traditional Universities, Popular Courses AAB - BCC Popular Courses at newer universities or less popular courses at traditional universities BCC - CCD Less Popular Courses EE and above Grades are not necessarily a measure of quality

31 Conditions The Offer The insurance offer should be 2 grades below the firm offer e.g. Firm: BBC Insurance: BCD Parents – otherwise you are the ones who will have to pick up the pieces on results day!

32 Admissions Tests Students applying for some courses are required to sit an admissions test as part of the application process. BMAT (Biomedical Admissions test) for entry to Medical and Veterinary Schools ( UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) for medical and dental degree courses ( HAT (History Aptitude Test) Oxford University LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law) ( ELAT (English Literature Admissions Test) Oxford University IOT (Institutions own tests)

33 What’s next?

34 What next? Acknowledgement Letter List of choices
Password and details of ‘Track’ An admissions tutor may make one of three decisions: Unconditional offer (U) Conditional offer (C) Unsuccessful (R) or A place on a different course Deferred entry A maximum of two offers may be held after final decision has been received Choice of three reply options: Firm acceptance - Insurance acceptance Decline Final Decision Letter

35 UCAS Extra ‘Second bite of the Cherry’
Extra operates from late Feb, to early July. Courses which have vacancies in Extra are listed during this period at Eligible Applicants: No offers made All offers declined Student Driven: Available courses listed Self-referral Application sent to relevant University

36 Results Day 16th August 2018 Things go well… Absolute commitment
Universities must confirm offers Students can change their mind but will then have to go through clearing and start the process again in terms of applying for accommodation etc. Things don’t go so well… CF may still confirm the offer Insurance offer Clearing

37 The Adjustment Process
If results are better than the conditions of their firm choice 5 Day Adjustment Period Look at available courses and contact University Receive new offer or stick with firm choice

38 Clearing Matches available applicants to vacancies
Students will need to find a course & University using the UCAS website and /or The Independent Contact the University Send the University the Clearing Entry Form (CEF) University makes the offer

39 Miss Rogers & Mr Britten
Advice Tutors Subject Teachers Mrs Lawrance Miss Rogers & Mr Britten

40 Any questions on the UCAS System?

41 Finance

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