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DPM First Coordination Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "DPM First Coordination Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Risk Identification Program: Data and technical assistance needs
DPM First Coordination Meeting of WMO Programmes and Constituent Bodies Maxx Dilley Policy Advisor UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery

2 Outline The role of evidence in disaster risk management
Global Risk Identification Program (GRIP) Hydrometeorological data and technical support inputs Summary

3 Strategic Alignment Identification of high risk areas and risk factors that cause disasters (foreseeable risk) Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 2 Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks UNDP/BCPR Strategy for Disaster Prevention common understanding of crises established joint stakeholder risk assessment conducted

4 Strategic Alignment Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction
service line 1: analytical and advisory services risk identification service line 2: institutional capacity building national risk and loss information & applications service line 3: training and capacity building IABD Disaster Prevention Sector Facility risk identification and forecasting to understand and quantify vulnerability and disaster risk

5 Global Risk Identification Program

6 GRIP Outcome Areas Global Update Demonstrations: Mozambique Sri Lanka
and approximate numbers of associated project activities Global Update Demonstrations: Mozambique Sri Lanka Nicaragua 4-5 6-12 Data improvement Risk info platform Methods Publication Capacity Core 1-3 Development 4-5 High Resolution Risk Analyses In High Risk Countries Loss Data 1-3 Loss data portal GLIDE Databases Assessments 4-7 Criteria: 1. Risk outcome 2. Decision support 3. Scientific 4. Local experts/authorities 10-15

7 Global drought and flood data sets
Global hazard data Global drought and flood data sets

8 Application and problem
Global risk update Drought and flood hazard data sets are the most important and the weakest of all hazards!







15 Disaster loss event databases
Hazard identification and GLIDE

16 Application and problem
Tracking disaster losses Lack of authoritative attribution of hazard involved Lack of consistent hazard event identification

17 Disaster Loss Data

18 Disaster Loss Data


20 Risk management decision-support in high risk situation
Example priority countries

21 Application and problem
Problem identification and national disaster risk management strategy development Decision support for specific risk management measures (e.g. index insurance, early warning) Integration of hazard information into risk analyses Capacity development!

22 Priority countries identified February 2006 based on:
risk level PSC priorities feasibility region/hazard mix


24 Needs summary small scale (global) [2007]
flood hazard, historical/on-going drought hazard, historical/on-going large scale (priority countries) all-hazard identification and reporting (GLIDE) hazard inputs for risk identification national risk atlases for strategy development specialized risk management decision-support

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