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KDSS Robotics Team Kinetic Knights

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Presentation on theme: "KDSS Robotics Team Kinetic Knights"— Presentation transcript:

1 KDSS Robotics Team Kinetic Knights
Hi. My name is Alex Donald. I am the co-captain of this years robotics team. I’m going to be giving the general overview presentation today and I hope you enjoy it. Please sit back and relax and we will be taking questions at the end of the presentation. (explain pictures briefly) (FIRST: For Inspiration Recognition of Science and Technology) (Team logo: biohazard “robohazard!” with team number on the top) (Robot picture: Conceptual design picture of this years robot). TEAM781.COM

2 WHO ARE WE? High school Robotics Team from KDSS As a part of: FIRST

3 WHAT DO WE DO? Every January given a NEW Challenge
Only SIX WEEKS to build a robot! Go compete against other high schools in Regional tournaments Maybe even Championships!

4 SEASON'S AWARDS Waterloo Mississauga Website Award Quarter-Finalists
Team Spirit Award Safety Award Semi-Finalists Mississauga Quarter-Finalists

5 WHO IS THIS FOR? ANYONE! Want to improve your high school experience and get involved?

6 WHO IS THIS FOR? Like building things and computers?
Want to get some real mechanical, programming or electrical skills? Have no prior experience? That's okay because mentors and older member teach you from the ground up!

7 WHO IS THIS FOR? Great! We need you too! Or more interested in:
Public Speaking? Spirit? Community Relations? Organization & Management? Web Design? Writing? Advertising? Photography & Video? Great! We need you too!

Giving back to the community & spreading the word about Robotics is super important! Cruise Night downtown Kincardine Bruce Power Beach Party Kincardine Lego League Tournament we will be hosting next fall

9 GRADE 7? Join your Lego League program
Work with small Lego kit robots, using same concepts. Great preparation for Robotics!

10 GRADE 8? We need YOU!!! Join our Robotics Team Next Year!
There's something for everyone We need fresh ideas and motivated students to continue the program We need YOU!!!

11 Stay after the presentation if you want to know more
MORE INFO? Stay after the presentation if you want to know more Pick up a brochure Check out our award-winning website for anything you might want to know: TEAM781.COM

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