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Bison BEST Robotics Kick- Off Day!!

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Presentation on theme: "Bison BEST Robotics Kick- Off Day!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bison BEST Robotics Kick- Off Day!!
September 16, 2017 North Dakota State University

2 Welcome!

3 Bison BEST Team Michael Kessler Dean of the College of Engineering
Briana Nupdal Hub Director Alan Kallmeyer Game Coordinator David Bertolini Co-Game Coordinator Nancy Rossland Volunteer Coordinator Sheri Eberle Team Resource Coordinator Tiffany Neuharth Logistics Coordinator Nik Kukert Awards & Judging Coordinator Majura Selekwa Kit Coordinator Jim Walter Teacher & Mentor Coach/Head Referee

4 Important Dates Mall Day Game Day Saturday, Oct. 21st: Practice Day
West Acres Mall Game Day Friday Oct. 27: BEST Award Events & Practice Driving NDSU Bentson-Bunker Field House & Alumni Center Saturday, Oct. 28: Robotics Competition NDSU Bentson-Bunker Field House

5 Regional Hubs Bison BEST Jackrabbit BEST Falcon BEST
North Dakota State University Fargo, ND Jackrabbit BEST South Dakota State University Brookings, SD Falcon BEST Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH

6 Regional Hubs Wolverine BEST Penn State DuBois BEST Grove City College
Grove City, PA Penn State DuBois BEST Penn State DuBois DuBois, PA

7 BEST Locations

8 Regional Championship
Northern Plains BEST Regional Championship NDSU SHAC November 29th – December 1st 36 teams, representing five hubs will advance to this Regional Championship BRI will NOT host a National Championship in 2017

9 Team Roll Call

10 Awards Robotics Competition - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place
BEST Award – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Best Engineering Notebook Best Marketing Presentation Best Team Exhibit & Interview Best Spirit & Sportsmanship

11 BEST Award Categories There are five categories of competition
Project Engineering Notebook (30 points) Marketing Presentation (25 points) Team Exhibit and Interviews (20 points) Spirit and Sportsmanship (10 points) Robot Performance (15 points)

12 Awards Robotics Finalist Award (4th Place Robot)
Founders Award for Creative Design Most Robust Robot Most Photogenic Robot Blood, Sweat & Duct Tape Award Top Gun Award Software Design Award

13 Awards NDSU College of Engineering Teamwork Award
2017 Bison BEST Alumni Award Teacher of the Year Award Mentor of the Year Award Hub Director Choice Award BEST Simulink Design Award (awarded at Regional Championship)

14 Certificates Best T-shirt Design Award Best YouTube Video Award
Best Team Website Award Best CAD Design Award

15 Software Design Award Presented to the team who best describes their software design process, practices, and experiences in their Engineering Notebook. It is intended to recognize teams who understand that “programming” is an essential part of their overall robot design and requires just as much thought as the mechanical / electrical design. Show us your software design process, not the actual code itself.

16 Simulink Design Award Awarded at Northern Plains Regional Championship
Sponsored by MathWorks One award and cash prize of $1,000 presented at each Regional Competition Due date: November 25th To compete, you need: BEST Simulink model Short YouTube Video describing their program using Simulink Brief Description of how team used Simulink For more information and for online submission, visit

17 2017 Game

18 2017 Game Teaser

19 Game Objectives BEST Inc. has announced an organization-wide Fire Safety Initiative involving fire prevention through new and improved safety policies, but BEST has also started a Research and Development program to explore robot intervention in industrial fire emergencies. Design and build a robot to perform the following operations: Rescue the Manikin Contain the Chemical Drums Extinguish the Flames

20 Unveiling of the Field

21 Game Animation

22 Open your Packet!!

23 Game Overview Your robot will be extinguishing the fire by launching simulated water from a distance Highest priority – rescuing the Manikin from inside... just like in a real rescue situation, every second counts! Hazardous Chemical Drums need to be removed and placed in the Containment Area

24 Field Layout

25 Field Zones No Entry Zone: Hot Zone: Cold Zone:
Origin Point of the Fire Robots cannot access this zone Hot Zone: Accessible by 1 team (Green, Blue, Red, or Yellow) Cold Zone: Accessible to all teams except for inside other teams’ starting boxes

26 No Entry Zone Extreme temperatures and partially collapsed structure prevent robots from accessing this zone Fire has collapsed the structure, flaming debris is all over the place Flaming debris is mostly concentrated on Shelves Flames are located on Shelves in stacks of 3

27 No Entry Zone Green Zone Red Zone Blue Zone Yellow Zone

28 No Entry Zone Rubble settles on the ground and water filters through to the Water Return Robots may access “Recycled Water” by opening the Water Return Teams area not guaranteed to be able to re-use any amount of “Recycled Water”

29 Hot Zone Manny the Manikin is laying on the ground on the left side – position is random 3 Chemical Drums are stacked in a pyramid formation on the right side. Drums have different amounts of chemicals inside, which alter their weight and are randomly stacked.

30 Cold Zone Accessible to all robots except for in the other teams’ starting box Contains Starting Box and Containment Areas

31 Spotter’s Area Stretcher is the scoring area for the Manikin
Rescue Timer Button is pressed by the spotter to activate the bonus for that round, once the Manikin is placed on the Stretcher Water Hydrant is the starting position for the water – spotters may pick up bucket

32 Spotter’s Area Spotter may:
Touch robot if it is docked at any time during match Reconfigure docked robot at any time during match Touch Water Hydrant, Stretcher, Rescue Timer Button, ground inside the Spotter Box, and Ground inside the Starting Box Touch Water if it is in the Water Hydrant, in the Stretcher, Spotter Box, Starting Box, or Robot if it is fully docked Receive the Manikin from the robot if the Manikin is fully supported by the robot and the robot is fully docked, or if the Manikin is fully supported by the Starting Box

33 Spotter’s Area Spotter may (cont’d):
Touch the Manikin after it has been received, in the Spotter Box, Starting Box, Stretcher, or combination of those areas Adjust the Manikin if it is partially in the Stretcher and partially touching the ground outside the field

34 Manny the Manikin Considered “Rescued” when it’s completely inside the Stretcher with all 4 limbs oriented away from the head Rescued Manny is worth 120 pts Rescue Timer Button can be initiated by Spotter, once Manny is Rescued before end of match – point bonus is equal to number of seconds remaining in match

35 Manny the Manikin Correctly Scored Correctly Scored Correctly Scored
Not Correctly Scored

36 Chemical Drums Considered Hazardous and may not be touched by the Spotter Each of the 3 Chemical Drums are weighted differently and stacked randomly each match Each Chemical Drum is worth 40 points if it is touching the bottom of the Containment Area Each team can only score 3 Chemical Drums

37 Chemical Drums Correctly Scored Correctly Scored Correctly Scored

38 Chemical Drums Correctly Not Scored Correctly Scored
Bottom is Correctly Scored Top is Not Correctly Scored

39 Extinguishing the Flames
Flame is considered “Extinguished” when cup is knocked sideways, right side up, or is no longer on the Shelf 30 Flames of each color 5 Points per Flame of team color Extinguished If all 30 Flames of a team’s color are Extinguished (no matter which robot knocks down the flames), that team will receive a 30 point bonus

40 Extinguishing the Flames
Flame is Lit Flame is Extinguished Flame is Extinguished

41 Extinguishing the Flames
Bottom Flame is Lit Top Flame is Extinguished Both Flames are Lit Both Flames are Lit

42 Simulated Water Water is simulated by hollow, dimpled, plastic, practice golf balls There will be a total of 160 Water balls for each field – 40 per Water Hydrant at the start of the match Robots may use water as projectiles

43 Maximum score a team can earn in a match is 600 points
Scoring Maximum score a team can earn in a match is 600 points Manikin Rescue 120 Points Rescue Bonus 180 Points (Rescue in under 1 second) Flames Extinguished 150 Points (30 Flames x 5 Points) Under Control Bonus 30 Points Chemical Drums 120 Points (3 Drums x 40 Points)

44 Tournament Protocol Seeding Rounds: 8 matches per team
Team rankings based on the average of the points scored during the seeding matches, excluding the teams’ lowest score Top 7 teams advance to Semi-Finals: 3 matches per team 8th team decided by single wild-card match from remaining teams with highest notebook scores Team rankings based on total points accumulated during the semi-final matches Top 4 teams advance to Finals: 3 matches per team Team rankings based on total points accumulated during the final matches

45 Q & A Read Game-Specific Rules Read Online Q&A Read Generic Game Rules
Read Generic Kit Notes Reread all of the above!

46 Announcements Packet Overview Lunch 12:30 PM (on your own)
Afternoon Workshops 1:30 – 4:00 PM Field Inspection 12:30 – 4:00 PM Kit Distribution 12:30 – 4:00 PM

47 BEST of Luck!!!

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