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Learning to Care for the Dying

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1 Learning to Care for the Dying
Monique Carreno M.D., Maura Brennan M.D., Diane Dietzen M.D, Gina Luciano M.D Baystate Medical Center/Tufts University The authors have no financial disclosures to report.

2 Problem Residents are not confident caring for end of life patients* What is hospice and palliative care medicine? No curriculum in place To develop an interactive case based workshop for medical residents to appropriately refer patients to hospice and /or palliative care medicine Goal *Yanni LM, McKinney-Ketchum JL, et al. J Grad Med Educ. Preparation, confidence, and attitudes about chronic noncancer pain in graduate medical education Jun;2(2):260-8.

3 Objectives 1. Define distinguishing characteristics of hospice care and palliative care. 2. Apply this understanding to an unfolding case to determine appropriate referrals.

4 Our workshop Activating Strategy (10 minutes) Learners take pre-test
Instructor draws Venn diagram on white board. Buzz Word Activity (10-15 minutes) Small groups report descriptors of hospice and palliative care medicine Instructor facilitates comparison and contrast of descriptors with use of Venn diagram

5 Buzz Word Activity Palliative Care Hospice Care

6 Our workshop Unfolding Case Discussion (20 minutes) Part 1 Part 2
Conclusion: (15 minutes) Closing remarks Post-test Administration

7 Lessons Learned Knowledge Behavior Team Building
There was objective improvement in pre- and post-test mean scores by 10% Behavior More appropriate referrals Team Building Residents and faculty enjoyed multi-disciplinary discussion

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