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Using Rotary’s New Grant Center
District 6450 Training – December 17, 2016
Have a long-term sustainable impact Include activities that clearly fit into one of Rotary’s 6 Areas of Focus Invest at least $30,000 within a community Address an important need identified by the community itself Strengthen the community’s capacity to meet its own needs Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. A key feature of global grants is partnership, between the district or club where the activity is carried out (the host club) and a district or club in another country (the international club). Both sponsoring clubs must be qualified before they can submit an application.
Apply for a grant through Actively involve the benefiting community in the project Partner with a club in another country Qualify your club for global grants every year Act as a primary sponsor of no more than 10 active global grants at a time Both clubs & districts can use global grants & can serve as host or international sponsor Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. A key feature of global grants is partnership, between the district or club where the activity is carried out (the host club) and a district or club in another country (the international club). Both sponsoring clubs must be qualified before they can submit an application.
Develop a project plan that includes a budget & financial management plan Measure progress toward the outcome Stay up-to-date in reporting for all grant activities
Club Qualification Memorandum of Understanding
The Club is responsible for the funds it receives Club officers hold primary responsibility Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest Written documentation required Dedicated bank account for each grant Reporting requirements Document Retention Required each year Key points reviewed. HANDOUT: Club MOU
Start with a needs assessment rather than project plan Conduct a thorough assessment of community needs and strengths Talk to community members directly or with host club Rotary’s Community Assessment guide has options Conduct a thorough assessment of community needs and strengths. Ask people what they have, how what they have can be better, or what they need in order to have better lives. If there’s a thorough understanding of community needs, the rest of the application comes much more naturally. Try to start the project with the beneficiaries rather than plan the project and then take it to the local community. Focus on a need that is local to you and your club if you can. Rotary has resources available to help you conduct your needs assessment including the manual pictured here: Community Assessment Tools. This manual is available on Rotary’s website. RESOURCE: Community Assessment Tools
Minimum Project Budget is $30,000
FUNDING Minimum Project Budget is $30,000 Minimum Rotary Foundation World Fund match is $15,000 (and maximum is $200,000) Each District has its own District Designated Funds (DDF) matching policy The World Fund matches: Club/Rotarian & non-Rotarian cash contributions 50% DDF 100% Practice calculations with a couple of hypothetical grants. RESOURCE: Global Grant Calculator
District 6450 matches Club cash contributions dollar for dollar: Up to $10,000 for grants less than $100,000 Up to $12,000 for grants of $100,000 & above Clubs must have other District clubs participate in the Global Grant in some way, including financially At least 2 other clubs for grants less than $100,000 At least 4 other clubs for grants of $100,000 & above HANDOUT: Global Grant DDF Policy
Work with the Grants Committee for preparation and approval of the grant before it is submitted to the Rotary Foundation
How to use the Grant Center
The Grant Center is the place to go for everything you need to do online for your Rotary Foundation grants, and it keeps all of Rotary’s grant-related resources handy for you. This program will show you how to navigate the updated system, and to use it to apply for a global grant.
The Grant Center’s landing page
The Grant Center’s landing page gives an overview of Rotary grants and links to helpful resources.
Use the menus at the top to navigate. Here is My Grants.
Use the menus at the top to navigate the Grant Center. Choose My Grants to see all of the grants you’re involved in.
Go to My Actions to see your grants that require your action.
Go to My Actions to see the grants you’re involved in that require action.
To start a global grant application, go to Apply for a Grant.
Choose Global Grant from the list at the bottom of the page.
Choose Global Grant from the list at the bottom of the page and click or tap Let’s begin!
Step 1, Basic Information
In step 1, Basic Information, start by telling us your project’s name, what type of project it is, and the host and international contacts. (Whenever you aren’t sure how to answer a question, you can click or tap on the question mark icon for more information.) After you’ve done this, use the Save & Continue button to move to the next step.
Your project number is assigned when you Save and Continue.
Throughout the process, you can Save & exit application. You can also create a PDF of the grant application at any time using Print application (PDF), or you can Delete the application entirely. Helpful resources are listed at the bottom of the right-hand column.
Step 2, Committee Members
Now you’re at step 2, Committee Members. Add the members of the project committee — both those from the host sponsor, located where the project will be carried out, and the international sponsor. Answer the question about conflicts of interest. Again in this step and in all steps, you’ll use the Save & Continue button to continue. As you complete the steps, you’ll notice that check marks appear next to them. You can click or tap the pencil to edit completed steps.
Step 3, briefly describe your goals in a Project Overview.
In step 3, briefly describe your goals in a Project Overview.
Step 4, indicate the Areas of Focus of the grant.
Step 4 is where you indicate the Areas of Focus that your project will work in. Review the Areas of Focus policy statements. Based on needs assessment, identify just one (or only the most appropriate) area of focus. Avoid taking a “fully-baked” project and fitting it into one of the areas of focus. Change the approach to project design. Work and think through the policy statements before designing projects. All project activities should relate directly to the area of focus goals. RESOURCE: Areas of Focus Policy Statements
Step 5, outline your plan for Measuring Success.
In step 5, outline your plan for Measuring Success. Include specific information related to measurement and evaluation. The image on the screen shows where you will enter this information into the online system. We have resource materials to help you design your measurement and evaluation plan for your project. RESOURCE: Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement
Step 6, add the Location and Dates of the project.
In step 6, add the Location and Dates of the project.
Step 7, list other project Participants.
In step 7, list other project Participants, including any cooperating organizations, additional partners, volunteer travelers, and sponsoring clubs or districts. You will complete a Memorandum of Understanding for each cooperating organization with which you’re working on the project. The MOU(s) will be included with the grant application. RESOURCE: Cooperating Organization MOU Provide a detailed listing of the specific tasks that both the host and international Rotarians will carry out in conjunction with the project.
Step 8, submit your project Budget.
Step 8 asks about your project Budget. Enter the local currency and exchange rate, list budget items, and upload supporting documents. Provide a detailed budget with vendor information and information about how these vendors were selected.
Step 9, explain your project Funding.
In step 9, explain your project Funding. RESOURCE: Global Grant Calculator
Step 10, explain how the project is Sustainable.
In step 10, Sustainability, you explain each step of the project’s implementation, how the project responds to community needs, and what makes the project activities sustainable. RESOURCE: Six Steps to Sustainability
Sustainability (continued).
Provide a detailed project implementation plan that encompasses all aspects of the proposed project activity. Ensure that beneficiaries were involved in project design. Include detailed information for each training opportunity presented in application and include: frequency, curricula, exact beneficiaries, if training will be tailored for adults/children, who will be doing what for the training. Do not answer “not applicable” to this question. Training is applicable to all global grants. RESOURCE: Global Grant Training Plan
Sustainability (continued).
You also answer a few more questions about the project budget.
In step 11 you Review and Lock your application.
In step 11 you Review and Lock your application. Check each answer you’ve given to make sure all of the information is accurate. You may find it helpful to print the full application. After you review the grant application, lock it. This will change its status from “Draft” to “Authorizations Required” and make it read-only — you won’t be able to make changes. Only the primary contact can lock the application.
Step 12, obtain all needed Authorizations.
In step 12, Authorizations, the primary contacts, club presidents, and the district Rotary Foundation committee chairs authorize the application. District and club leaders who need to authorize the application will receive an asking them to do so. Once your application is authorized, it cannot be changed without contacting Rotary staff. As soon as all authorizations have been completed, the application is submitted to The Rotary Foundation for review.
Approval of the Global Grant is just the start After that:
After Approval Approval of the Global Grant is just the start After that: Collect all funds Either to the Rotary Foundation (5% admin fee) or into a Club’s separate account for the Global Grant Implement Project Inform partners of progress informally Prepare and submit formal reports to Rotary Grant administration includes financial oversight, project management, and reporting.
Grant Center at
RESOURCES Grant Center at A Guide to Global Grants Online application aide Online Grant Resources Learning Center Grants staff District Grants Committee The following resources are available to assist you as you complete your global grant application: Grant Management Manual A handout that walks you through the steps of using the online system to apply for a global grant Rotary’s Learning Center Rotary Support Center Grants staff
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