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Racism & Xenophobia (part A)

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1 Racism & Xenophobia (part A)
Dr. Evangelos Albanidis University of Thrace Professor – D.P.E.S.S. Hellenic Academy of Physical Education

2 Xenophobia The understanding of anything xenon (not well known) as negative. The tendency to avoid foreign way of life, foreign cultural traditions and customs. In other words, the belief that xenon is an negative element, not productive/fruitful, and, thus, not worthy to be adopted.

3 Mr. Xenophobia walking at his neighborhood …
They are noisy, messy…! What is our future…?! Unbelievable! We are not in our country try any more! Look at this amiss! They listen their music loudly! They have their own stores, they are dressed like they did into their country!

4 Mr. Xenophobia as a tourist in a foreigner country…
These old alleyways are so charm! Ohhh! This lovely traditional music! What a strength! All the costumes, the colors, the smells…They make dazed! 

5 The definition of racism
Typical definition: Racism is the theory of the gender discrimination (people-nations) in “superior” and “inferior ”. Contemporary definition: Racism is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and institutional structures that forces some people to ruled by others just because they come from a distinguishable group.

6 How racism is expressed?
“Definitive” perception against others Stereotype (= preconceived notion) Prejudice (= preconceived attitude, opinion or feeling) Discrimination (= unfair treatment/consideration)

7 Forms of rasism Racism as a result of racist perceptions/opinions
Racist as a result of self-interest  Racism as a result of α government’s politics

8 Some examples of racism during Worlds history
Racism into the New World countries: (black and aboriginal = slave, Ku-Klux-Klan). Nazism: Serving the dogma (belief) of racial pureness/hierarchy, thousand of jew people, roma, people with special needs, homosexual people were murdered. Apartheid : Former segregation policy of South Africa.

9 The slaves’ auction for black people

10 Ku Klux Klan

11 The Holocaust (Nazi genocide)

12 Apartheid

13 Racism in today's Europe
Millions of immigrants or refugees are living in Europe. Countries like Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal were (and still are) reception countries. Immigrants and refugees often are facing serious discriminations and, as a result, violent reactions and incidents are often occurring.

14 Cases of racism and racist crimes 2003-2004
Racism in Europe Cases of racism and racist crimes Great Britain: Germany: France:

15 Good morning madam! About the room…
Racism in Greece? mmmm… it is rented! ROOM FOR RENT Good morning madam! About the room… There is nothing wrong with black (besides, I love Edie Murphy!). But to allow them entered my home… no, thanks!

16 Foreigner people in Greek Education System
: : : Greek Governments’ Measures Schools for repatriations Special “reception” classes Intensive support classes

17 Racism in Greek Education;
…students 71,8% of the students have a positive opinion for it’s foreigner classmates 59,5% of the students states that wouldn’t be a problem if in their school studied a significant number of foreigner kids 46,2% of the students believe that kids from foreigner countries should study in any (ordinary) school. 20,6 % of the students believe that special schools should be created, only for foreigners 1rst degree students are more tolerant, comparing with second degree students UNICEF research (2001)

18 Racism in Greek Education;
…parents 51,7 % of the parents states that the presence of immigrants and/or refugees is a fact of serious concern Only 4/10 parents and 38 % of the educators believe that foreigner kids should study in any (ordinary) school. Kids/students are more tolerant to “difference” than adults! UNICEF research (2001)

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