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Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

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1 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
7th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change 2014 Kostis Palamas building, 10/10/2014

2 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
Contents Introduction Cost-benefit analysis Results Discussion Conclusions References 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

3 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
1. Introduction Increased pressure on natural resources and increasing demand for energy in developing countries In Madagascar: 85% of energy resources from fuel-wood and charcoal Demand exceeds natural growth Non-sustainable, illegal use of natural forests leads to degradation, segmentation and finally deforestation 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

4 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
1. Introduction Picture 1: Eucalyptus trees1 Picture 3: Charcoal pile3 Picture 4: Workshop meeting4 Picture 2: Timber2 Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Malagasy “Ministère de l’Energie et des Mines” (MEM) started the project nowadays know as “Charbon vert” – “green charcoal” in 1996 Approach: Afforesting degraded land with fast growing eucalyptus and ameliorated charcoal production Local farmers included: gaining tenure rights, capacity building, gender issues 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

5 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
1. Introduction Region: DIANA (Northern Madagascar) Afforested degraded land: 6700ha Involved people: households Precipitation: mm/year in average Antsiranana (Diego)5 Map 27 Map 16 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

6 2. Cost-benefit analysis
Tool for making resource management decisions, project comparison, project valuation Pro’s Results are straight forward and easy to understand Potentially discovers unknown variables Con’s Indirect benefits may be difficult to monetize Variables might be biased Important variables might be undetected 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

7 2. Cost-benefit analysis
Used approaches8: - Market price-based - Cost-based Market price-based: Values for costs and benefits are raised and used Cost-based: Avoided cost method calculated for CO₂ emission 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

8 2. Cost-benefit analysis
Divided into four Scenarios: Scenario 1: “Economic viability of the whole project” All costs and benefits are analyzed Scenario 2: “Economic viability for the farmers” Particular costs carried from the farmers and benefits 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

9 2. Cost-benefit analysis
Scenario 3: “Economic viability for the farmers pt. 2” With particular costs under different pricing conditions for the products Scenario 4: “With project” versus “without project” Assessing the avoided cost towards the data from Scenario 1 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

10 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
3. Results – Input data Costs Cost segmentation Planting Quantity Cost (Ariary) Charbon Vert Farmer Technical support lump sum/ha 54.450 100% 0% Maintenance 30.000 Plant production 59.100 Site preparation 98% 2% n 20 Transport n/ha 10.000 Diverse material needed 42.030 85% 15% Conversion of raw material Charcoal production bag(12kg) 250 Charcoal transport 492 Pole wood production 100 Pole wood transport 300 Annual Fixed Costs Diverse Costs Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Planting 44.000 40.000 10.000 26.335 Harvest Total Benefits Charcoal Pole wood Cash flow Net Benefit Input data: Own editing9 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

11 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
3. Results Scenario 1: Total net present value(NPV)(i=8%)= € Total NPV (i=10%) = € Internal rate of Return (IRR) = 13% Scenario 2: Total NPV (i=8%) = € Total NPV (i=10%) = € IRR = 53% 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

12 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
3. Results Scenario 3: Total NPV (i=8%) = € Total NPV (i=10%) = € IRR = 45% Scenario 4: Total NPV (i=8%) = € Total NPV (i=10%) = € IRR = 37% Average trading price: 2/ /2014 = 5,89€/tCO₂10 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

13 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
3. Results Data overview: Own development 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

14 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
3. Results GDP per capita (GDPPC) for Madagascar 2013: 354€11 Average annual surplus; Scenario 2: 90€ (per capita: farmer) Average annual surplus; Scenario 3: 58€ (per capita: farmer) 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

15 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
4. Discussion NPV(i=8%) = € 4,4 NPV(i=8%) = € ! Significant improvement NPV(i=10%) = € 6,4 NPV(i=10%) = € 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

16 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
4. Discussion Adding avoided cost: creates strong argument for the project! Annual farmer surplus: 25% of GDPPC for Scenario 2 16% of GDPPC for Scenario 3 decent extra income to farmers! 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

17 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
5. Conclusions Pro’s Con’s Project is recommendable from economic point of view Eucalyptus plantations may have negative environmental effects12 Potential yield decrease would lead to limited profitability 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

18 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
5. Conclusions Reduced pressure on unique biodiversity13 Valuable under given aspects ! Further monitoring necessary Given conditions have to be analyzed carefully from case to case 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

19 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
6. References Picture 1: Internet: ucalyptus.JPG/220px-A_SSO_of_Eucalyptus.JPG Picture 2: ESMAP, Sustainable Production of Commercial Woodfuel: Lessons and Guidance from Two Strategies; page 15, 2010 Picture 3: Internet: G/600px-Meule_casamancaise.jpeg.JPG 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

20 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
6. References Picture 4: ESMAP, Sustainable Production of Commercial Woodfuel: Lessons and Guidance from Two Strategies; page 15, 2010 Rainfall/ Precipitation in Antsiranana, Madagascar, Internet: Map 1: Internet: Map 2: Internet: content/uploads/2014/02/Madagascar-Diana-and-Sava-edt.jpg 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

21 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
6. References Pascual, U. et al.: The economics of valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), 2010 Lopez, P. et al.: Le reboisement villageois individuel, 2007 Average trading price: 2/ /2014 per tCO2, Internet: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, 2014 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

22 Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar
6. References Poore, M., Fries, C.: The ecological effects of eucalyptus, FAO Paper, 1985 Rejmánek, M., Richardson, D.: Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions, 2011 10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

23 Thank you for the attention!
10/10/ Gauger, Gernot Economic valuation of energy-wood plantations in Northern-Madagascar

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