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GovDelivery® & Digital Subscription Management:

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1 GovDelivery® Email & Digital Subscription Management:
Sara VonBargen, Sr. Implementation Manager December 8, 2009

2 Agenda What is GovDelivery State of Indiana’s use of GovDelivery
GovDelivery New Product Features Questions & Answers 2

3 What is it? Digital Subscription Management is an automated system that uses , wireless alerts and RSS to notify residents about specific information when new content is posted to an agency’s website.

4 Internet and E-mail Usage Statistics
is the most common use of the Internet* Residents are 5 times more likely to use on a given day than to visit even one government website* Residents want choices to specific updates, not SPAM *Source: PEW Internet and American Life Project **U.S. Census Bureau website

5 GovDelivery World leader in public sector email communication
GovDelivery & Digital Subscription Management Focus on communication with residents Personalization: Offer residents many choices about what they get and when they get it Automation: Automate the communication process so its easy to get messages out Delivery: Make sure s get to the inbox not Spam filter 5

6 Service Objectives Communicate agency information more effectively with residents by offering specific updates Reduce paper document distribution costs Reduce printing, postage and administrative costs on bulk mailings

7 Current Signup Process
1 2 Enter address Find Content of Interest and Subscribe 7

8 Current Signup Process
3 4 Choose Subscription Options Choose Preferences 8

9 Current Signup Process
5 Answer Questions 6 Thank you for Subscribing! 9

10 Users Manage Their Own E-mail Updates

11 GovDelivery eNewsletter
GovDelivery’s eNewsletter feature is ideal for government agencies looking for a cost‐effective and easy way to reach residents. Saves budget on printing, paper and postage. GovDelivery reduces traditional newsletter publication and sending costs with an ROI of 200% or more possible in the first year. Supports overwhelming government initiative to be more “Green” and eliminate paper, when possible. Agencies can paste in HTML code or, for those lacking design expertise, rely on GovDelivery’s e-Newsletter editor to create professional newsletters. eNewsletter Case Study St Paul, MN Subject: Mayor Coleman's Update Newsletter 1087 Recipients 98% Delivery Sent August 18, 2008 11

12 HTML Newsletters: Custom Styles
With custom styles, newsletters can match the branding of any agency’s Web site! GovDelivery’s eNewsletter feature includes: Library of templates Auto-Generation of table of contents Image storage capabilities on GovDelivery’s servers All standard GovDelivery bulletin features including scheduled sending, open/clicks tracking, attachments, Certified , and more Ability to create, edit, and apply custom styles to newsletters Styles are reusable across all templates. Change the font families, font colors, and background colors of newsletter sections. 12

13 Results to Date People signed up: 365,000+
Current topics: MyDNR, Licensing Bureau, Wild Bulletin s sent to date: 5.5 million+ 739+ Publicly Available Subscription Options 45+ Agencies Actively Sending through GovDelivery 13

14 Current Priorities for Improving Digital Communication
Offer key topics from each agency What does the public care about – Web Trends What do you want to communicate Need help: Have 1-2 people in your agency trained as GovDelivery administrators Training takes 1 hour GovDelivery can address your specific questions/concerns during training Start sending messages to the public 14

15 New GovDelivery Capabilities
Social Media Integration Deletions Report Message Analytics Share this Information Sharing Widget On Demand SMS 2–Way Text

16 Social Media Integration
Flickr, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook Subscription Items Promote your Social Media Sites with GovDelivery Share this

17 Subscriber Profile Deletions Report
See subscribers that have been deleted

18 Deliverability data for all bulletins
Message Analytics Deliverability data for all bulletins Government-Wide Results: Over 50% of subscribers to federal government content open or click on an at least once every 45 days

19 Deliverability data for individual recipients
Message Analytics Deliverability data for individual recipients GovDelivery stores data on every click through and open; reports can be exported or viewed online

20 Content Sharing Email Content Sharing to Social Media
Subscriber Receives from FDA Subscriber Comments on Story Subscriber Finds Information of Interest, Clicks “Share This” and Selects “Facebook” Content Posted to Social Media

21 GovDelivery Widget Capability
Step 2: GovDelivery Data Feed Automatically Updates Widget Step 1: FDA Sends Note: This widget can be shared anywhere on the Internet and can be easily redesigned or adjusted.

22 GovDelivery Widget Capability
Step 3: Stakeholder Views Content Online Integrated subscription capability to build subscriber base Integrated sharing capability promotes reposting to social media

23 On-Demand SMS (2-Way Text)
Allows individuals to request real-time information, delivered to mobile device: Mobile users access real-time information that often impacts their daily lives and schedules. Data such as train schedules, road closings, or flu vaccination clinic locations is available on agency website, individuals query agency for information through a text message ‘code’, information is automatically sent back to the mobile device. Information is “pulled” or requested by individuals. Instant delivery of real-time information. Uses native SMS. Stand-alone text messaging solution. Improves Service to the Public. Improve customer service by giving individuals access to information that is important to them, often information that impacts their daily life and schedules. Integrates easily with web or XML feeds. Pricing: Two-way transactional messaging fee applies. Per message transaction fees range from $0.05-$0.09 depending on volume usage.

24 GovDelivery Overview Government to citizen communication
98% Deliverability to inboxes GovDelivery Subscriber Import GovDelivery Message Analytics Copy and paste HTML or use the GovDelivery Newsletter Editor File Resources Unique From Name / Address Scheduled Sending Test Messages and Preview Filter based on Questions Share this – Discuss this Blog

25 Getting Started

26 Questions?

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