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Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals

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Presentation on theme: "Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Nancy J Bethea

2 Process Safety Management (PSM)
Is the proactive identification, evaluation and mitigation or prevention of chemical releases that could occur as a result of failures in processes, procedures, or equipment.

3 Purpose Prevent Catastrophic Releases of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Minimize Consequences of Such Releases to Employees and the Community


5 Catastrophic Events 1984 Mexico City 650 -- 1984 Bhopal, India 2500 --
Deaths Injuries 1984 Mexico City 1984 Bhopal, India 1984 Chicago area 1985 West Virginia 1988 New Orleans 1988 Henderson, NV

6 Catastrophic Events 1989 Pasadena, TX 23 130 1990 Houston, TX 17 --
Deaths Injuries 1989 Pasadena, TX 1990 Houston, TX 1990 Cincinnati, OH 1991 Lake Charles, LA 1991 Sterlington, LA 1991 Charleston, SC 1991 Seadrift, TX

7 Process Safety Management
Bhopal (’84): focused OSHA’s attention Institute, WV(’85): shows disasters can happen here : concern of public & Congress increases with each event Feb. 24, 1992: standard in Federal Register

8 29 CFR OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard

9 Anticipated Benefits OSHA estimated that the integrated
approach of the PSM standard would reduce the average annual number of deaths (265) by 200 and reduce the average annual number of serious injuries (900) by 700 in industries involved with highly hazardous chemicals.

10 Resources European Economic Community (EEC) World Bank
International Labor Office (ILO) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) States, Industry, & Labor Organizations

11 Specification Standard
PSM Standard Performance NOT Specification Standard

12 PSM Standard Process Safety Information Process Hazard Analysis
Operating Procedures Training Contractors Pre-startup Safety Review

13 PSM Standard Mechanical Integrity Hot-work Permits
Management of Change Incident Investigations Emergency Planning & Response Compliance Safety Audits

14 What’s Covered Listed Chemicals in Appendix A
> 10,000 pounds of Flammable Liquids or Gases

15 Examples of Covered Chemicals
Acetaldehyde Chlorine Nitromethane Ethylamine Perchloric Acid Phosgene Tetramethyl Lead Ketone HF NO

16 What’s Not Covered HC fuels used only for workplace consumption and if not a part of a covered hazardous process Flammable liquids stored or transferred below NBP w/o chilling or refrigeration Retail facilities Oil, gas well drilling, servicing Normally unmanned remote facilities

17 Process Safety Information: Chemicals
Toxicity PEL Physical Data Reactivity and Corrosivity Thermal and Chemical Stability Effects of Mixing Chemicals

18 Process Safety Information: Process
Block flow or process flow diagram Process chemistry Maximum intended inventory

19 Process Safety Information: Process
Safe upper/lower limits for such items as temperatures, pressures, flows or compositions Consequences of deviations, e.g. runaway reaction potential

20 Process Safety Information: Equipment
Materials of construction P&IDs Electrical Classification Relief system design & design basis

21 Process Safety Information: Equipment
Ventilation system design Design codes and standards Material & energy balances Safety systems

22 Process Hazard Analysis
Organized and systematic effort to identify and analyze the significance of potential hazards associated with the processing or handling of highly hazardous chemicals

23 Process Hazard Analysis
Causes/consequences of fires & explosions Releases of toxic or flammable chemicals Major spills of hazardous chemicals Methodology depends on the process & its characteristics

24 PHA Focuses On Equipment Instrumentation Utilities Human Actions
External Factors

25 Process Hazard Analysis
What If? Checklist What If?/Checklist Hazard & Operability Study (HAZOP) Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

26 PHA Must Address Hazards of the process
Engineering & administrative controls Consequences of failure of controls Facility siting

27 PHA Must Address Human factors
Evaluate potential effects to on-site personnel from failure of controls Identification of previous incidents

28 PHA Team Expertise in engineering & process operations
One member to have knowledge of & experience with process being evaluated

29 PHA Team One member knowledgeable in specific PHA methodology used for evaluating the process Other members with specific knowledge: instrumentation, chemistry, etc.

30 Employer PHA Actions Establish system for prompt response
Ensure timely resolution of findings & recommendations Document actions taken

31 Employer PHA Actions Develop written schedule for completions
Complete actions ASAP Communicate actions to affected employees

32 Operating Procedures Provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in each covered process consistent with the process safety information Address at least the listed elements

33 Operating Procedures: Steps for Each Operating Phase
Initial startup, operation, shutdown Temporary & emergency operations, emergency shutdown Startup following shutdowns

34 Operating Procedures: Operating limits
consequences of deviations prevention of deviations

35 Operating Procedures: Safety & Health Considerations
Chemical properties and hazards Precautions to prevent exposure Control measures if contact or airborne exposure occurs

36 Operating Procedures: Safety & Health Considerations
Quality controls for raw materials Control of hazardous chemical inventories Special or unique hazards Safety systems & their functions

37 Operating Procedures Operating procedures readily accessible
Reviewed as necessary to reflect current procedures and changes Certified annually as current & accurate

38 Operating Procedures Develop & implement safe work practices to provide for the control of hazards during operations, e.g. lockout/tagout/ confined space entry, opening equipment & pipes, facility entry Apply to employees & contractor employees

39 Training Process overview Process hazards Operating procedures
Emergency procedures Refresher training at least every 3 yrs Documentation

40 Employer Responsibilities
Evaluate contractor’s safety performance & programs Inform contractor of potential hazards: fire, explosion, toxic release, applicable plant safety rules Develop/Implement safe work practices Evaluate contractor performance

41 Contractor Responsibilities
Advise employer of any unique work hazards of contracted work Each employee follow all applicable work practices & safety rules of the facility Ensure each employee is trained in necessary work practices

42 Contractor Responsibilities
Ensure each employee is instructed in known fire, explosion, or toxic release problems related to his/her job Document that understanding of training has been evaluated, verified

43 Pre-startup Safety Review
Done when: New processes Modified process

44 Pre-startup Review Verifies
Construction: conforms to design Procedures: adequate, in place PHA recommendations resolved or implemented Management of change requirements met All affected workers trained

45 PSM Mechanical Integrity
Pressure vessels, storage tanks Piping systems, components Relief & vent systems, devices Emergency shutdown systems Controls: monitoring devices, sensors, alarms, interlocks Pumps

46 Mechanical Integrity Written procedures
Training: process hazards, job tasks Inspections Testing Corrective action Records

47 Hot Work Permits Welding, cutting, brazing Control of ignition sources
Verify safe conditions Authorization

48 Management of Change Establish written procedures
Develop management support Evaluate safety of any changes to: process chemicals facility technology equipment

49 MOC Procedures Must Address
Everything except “replacement in kind” Temporary as well as permanent changes Technical basis for change Safety & health effects

50 MOC Procedures Must Address
Modified operation procedures Time necessary for change Authorization for change Ways to inform & train workers before change

51 Incident Investigation Goals
Identify incident causes and implement steps to prevent reoccurence

52 Incident Investigation
Every incident Prompt investigation Knowledgeable team Documentation & report Recommendations & findings Resolutions & corrective actions

53 Emergency Planning & Response
Develop Emergency Action Plans Pre-plan for catastrophe Train & equip workers Drills

54 Compliance Safety Audits
Certify all elements of standard Knowledgeable audit team Report & recommendations Address all finding & recommendations Conduct every three years

55 Appendices A: List of chemicals B: Sample block & flow diagrams
C: Compliance guidelines D: References

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