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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism

2 Buddhism Split from Hinduism  500 BC Originated in NE India
Why was it created? Rejected the idea that only religious rituals could be preformed by the Brahmins (priest) Priest could only open the way to salvation

3 Comparing to Hinduism Buddhism Hinduism No Caste System Caste System
Focus is on Individual Supernatural Personal Labor Performing Rituals NO GOD MANY GODS

4 Founder of Buddhism Siddartha Guatoma
Born 560 BC, in northern India into the upper class Father was a ruler Numerous Possessions Age of 16  Marries Cousin Always a thinker and dreamer

5 The Great Going Forth At the age of 29
Left his home of luxuries to search for “real life” Searched to discover the cause of Human Suffering 4 Passing Sights Aged man Sick Man Dead Man Shaven head man (monk carrying a begging bowl wearing a yellow robe) This was the first time Siddhartha encountered human suffering

6 Search Continues Shaved his head, wore ragged garments and went into the forest Spent 6 years searching for enlightenment 1. Yoga 2. Studied the Vedas 3. Joined a band of beggars 4. Self-Denial  Fasting Nothing Satisfied him

7 The Great Awakening While sitting under a sacred fig tree meditating, He found the knowledge he had been seeking Attained Enlightenment  Buddha (The enlightened one)

8 Next 45 years Traveled through India preaching his message
Reform movement of Hinduism Broke down the caste system in India – Everyone was welcome 9 months a year  Preaching 3 months a year  Training Monks 3 times a day  Withdrew from the Public

9 Death Buddha will die at the age of 80 in 483 BC
Died while visiting with a blacksmith and ate spoiled food

10 Spread of Buddhism After the death of Buddha, monks traveled to other parts of Asia China Japan Korea Middle East Becomes the #1 religion in East Asia

11 Two Branches formed Theravada Mahayana (China, Japan, Korea)
Remains fairly close in practice of the original teachings of Buddha Mahayana (China, Japan, Korea) Encourages the worship of Buddha as a divine being and savior

12 Teaching Four Noble Truths
Knowledge Buddha discovered while he sat under the fig tree 1. Suffering and Misery are universal 2. Causes of suffering is from desire Happiness, riches, and other pleasures causes pain because they can’t last forever 3. Way to end suffering is to overcome desire Ultimate goal in life  Achieve Nirvana 4. Follow the Middle Way

13 Nirvana Condition on wanting nothing
Freedom from birth cycle – No more reincarnation Not heaven but a state of extinction (No longer being) A person would be in a state of oneness with the universe

14 Middle Way Practical guidelines that stresses virtuous conduct and compassion for all living things One can eliminate desire through Eight Fold Path 1. Know the truth 2. Resist Evil 3. Say nothing to hurt others 4. Respect life 5. Work for the good of others 6. Free one’s mind of evil 7. Control one’s thoughts 8. Practice Yoga (Must practice all 8 to achieve Nirvana)

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