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What can patent litigation tell us about patent examination?

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1 What can patent litigation tell us about patent examination?
Alan Marco and Richard Miller September 2016 OFFICE OF CHIEF ECONOMIST

2 Patent litigation conditions
Valuable enough to make litigation profitable Some degree of uncertainty so that there is a dispute Patent value is a function of validity, scope, and the underlying technology Patent examination affects scope and uncertainty, but not the underlying technology Caution: litigated patents are highly selected, so one must be careful generalizing the results

3 Strategy Match litigated patents to “similar” non-litigated patents
Estimate how examination characteristics impact the probability of litigation Sample: Patents granted Patent litigation filings in federal district court, (source: RPX). Examine first filing only.

4 Litigated Patents by Year of Issue and Technology Area

5 Methods Control group of non-litigated patents that match the litigated patents on several characteristics Exact match on examination art unit & year of issue Exact match on maintenance history Nearest neighbor match on 3-year forward citations Random sample within that group Final sample is a 1-to-1 matched sample (>10,000 litigated patents) Conditional logit: Is the incidence of litigation correlated with the examination characteristics?

6 Variables included in the analyses
Application characteristics Examination characteristics small entity status examiner seniority foreign priority & PCT examination pendency number of US parent applications continuances (RCEs) family pendency interviews appealed? Claims characteristics first-action allowance? independent claim count applicant disclosures (IDS) independent claim length (shortest) backward citations

7 Main Results Largest impact on litigation is from application characteristics Incidence of litigation is impacted by characteristics of examination to a much lesser extent Characteristics of the independent claims are important

8 Conditional Logit Results
Odds Ratio Coefficient Point Estimate 95% CI Standard Error Examiner Signatory Authority None** 0.821 0.763 0.884 -0.197 0.038 Partial* 0.843 0.722 0.984 -0.171 0.079 Missing 1.176 0.948 1.459 0.162 0.110 Small Entity** 2.474 2.312 2.648 0.906 0.035 Continuation History Number of Domestic Parents** 1.238 1.210 1.266 0.213 0.012 Pendency from Earliest Parent to Docketing 1.000 0.998 1.001 0.000 0.001 Foreign Applications Foreign Priority Claim** 0.414 0.378 0.452 -0.883 0.046 National Stage Entry** 0.779 0.662 0.917 -0.249 0.083 Examination Variables Number of IDS Filings** 1.043 1.034 1.052 0.042 0.004 Number of Recorded Interviews** 1.215 1.162 1.270 0.195 0.023 Pendency Before Examiner** 0.898 0.874 0.924 -0.107 0.014 Number of RCEs** 1.130 1.075 1.187 0.122 0.025 At Least One Appeal** 1.973 1.515 2.570 0.680 0.135 First-Action Allowance** 0.853 0.774 0.939 -0.159 0.049 Patent Claims Variables Number of Independent Claims** 1.068 1.083 0.065 0.007 Length of Shortest Independent Claim** 0.999 -0.001 Backward Citations To US Patents and Applications** 1.002 To Foreign Patents or Applications* 1.004 1.007 0.002 To Non-Patent Literature** 1.003 ** Coefficient is statistically significant at the 1-percent level. * Coefficient is statistically significant at the 5-percent level.

9 Application characteristics
Note: effects calculated for a change from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile for continuous variables

10 Examination characteristics
Note: effects calculated for a change from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile for continuous variables 10

11 Claim characteristics
Note: effects calculated for a change from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile for continuous variables 11 11 11

12 Goodness of fit (ROC Curve):
Application characteristics drive the model 12


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