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Management Basics.

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1 Management Basics

2 Overview Who Managers Are Where Managers Work What Management Is
What Managers Do Chapter 1 Lesson 1

3 Quick Write Why is a class in management important to you? How does it fit into your career plans? Chapter 1 Lesson 1

4 Who Managers Are and Where They Work
Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of

5 Organizations An organization is a collection of people brought together to accomplish a specific purpose Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of U.S. Air Force

6 Organizations Three Common Characteristics A distinct purpose
People or members Definite structure Chapter 1 Lesson 1

7 Organizations Examples of organizations Your high school
Religious organizations New England Patriots football team Sprint corporation Federal government US Air Force Chapter 1 Lesson 1

8 Organizations Chapter 1 Lesson 1

9 Operatives Operatives are people who work directly on a job or task
They have no responsibility for overseeing others’ work Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of

10 Managers A manager is a person who directs the activities of other people in the organization Managers supervise both operatives and lower-level managers Managers may also work directly on tasks Chapter 1 Lesson 1

11 Management Classifications
First-line managers direct the activities of operative employees Middle managers serve in level between the first-line managers and the top management Top managers make decisions about the organization’s direction and set policies Chapter 1 Lesson 1

12 First-Line Managers Supervisors Team Leaders Coaches Unit Coordinators
Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of Comstock Images

13 Middle Managers Department Head Project Leader District Manager
Division Manager Directors Dean Bishop Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of Goodshoot Images

14 Top Managers Senior Managers Presidents Chief Executive Officers
Chief Financial Officers Chief Operating Officers Vice Presidents Chapter 1 Lesson 1

15 What Do You Think? Are the principals in our high school first-line, middle, or top management? Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of Thinkstock images

16 Management Management is the process of getting things done, through and with other people, with efficiency and effectiveness Chapter 1 Lesson 1

17 Management The process involves the main activities that managers perform Efficiency is doing a task correctly using as few resources as possible Effectiveness is doing the right task and reaching goals Chapter 1 Lesson 1

18 Efficiency and Effectiveness
R E S O U C A G L T I N M Goals Low Waste High Attainment Ends Effectiveness Means Efficiency Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Adapted from Fundamentals of Management, 5th Ed. By Robbins/DeCenzo, p. 8 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005

19 Management Processes Planning—defining goals, setting strategy, and coordinating activities Organizing—deciding what to do and how to do it Leading—motivating employees, directing others’ activities, and resolving conflicts Controlling—monitoring tasks to see that they are finished as planned Chapter 1 Lesson 1

20 Achieving the organization’s stated purpose
Management Processes Achieving the organization’s stated purpose Adapted from Fundamentals of Management, 5th Ed. By Robbins/DeCenzo, p. .9 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

21 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles
Management Roles Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles Interpersonal relationships Transferring information Decision making Chapter 1 Lesson 1

22 What Do You Think? How is standing in line waiting to make a purchase an example of efficiency and effectiveness? How would planning or organizing affect how long the lines in a store are? Chapter 1 Lesson 1

23 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Level In the Organization
All managers plan, organize, lead, and control But the time they give each activity changes with the manager’s level in the organization As managers move up, they plan more and oversee others less Chapter 1 Lesson 1

24 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Level In the Organization
First Level Managers Adapted from Fundamentals of Management, 5th Ed. By Robbins/DeCenzo, p. 12 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

25 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Level In the Organization
Middle Managers Adapted from Fundamentals of Management, 5th Ed. By Robbins/DeCenzo, p. 12 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

26 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Level In the Organization
Top Managers Adapted from Fundamentals of Management, 5th Ed. By Robbins/DeCenzo, p. 12 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

27 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Profit and Not-for-Profit
A business firm measures its performance by the amount of profit it makes But not-for-profit organizations don’t share a universal measure of effectiveness Yet managers in these two types of organizations are more alike than different Chapter 1 Lesson 1

28 Is the Manager’s Job Universal? Size of the Organization
Small-business manager’s most important role is that of spokesman with customers, suppliers, and others outside the company Managers in a large organization mostly deal with issues inside the company Chapter 1 Lesson 1

29 Making Decisions and Dealing With Change
All managers make decisions All managers are agents of change Chapter 1 Lesson 1

30 Making Decisions and Dealing With Change
Successful managers are aware of the rapid changes around them They are flexible in adapting to deal with those changes At the same time, they must help employees deal with the uncertainty change may bring Chapter 1 Lesson 1

31 Review A manager is a person who directs the activities of other people in the organization Management is the process of getting things done, through and with other people, with efficiency and effectiveness Managers plan, organize, lead, and control Managers make decisions and are agents of change Chapter 1 Lesson 1

32 Summary Who Managers Are Where Managers Work What Management Is
What Managers Do Chapter 1 Lesson 1

33 Management in the Marketplace
What’s Next… Management in the Marketplace Chapter 1 Lesson 1 Courtesy of

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