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Visions April 30, 2017 3rd. Sunday in Easter.

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1 Visions April 30, 2017 3rd. Sunday in Easter

2 Cover: Word Find Read the directions on the cover and work with your partner

3 Homework Wednesday 5/10 Camp Suzanne p. 2-3
Homework: Read “Camp Suzanne” pages 2-3 and answer the TALK questions on page 3

4 Gospel: 3rd Sunday of Easter, page 4 Luke 24:13-35
What is odd about this Gospel? Why do you think in this A Cycle year, we are not hearing Matthews Gospel? 8 Parts: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Jesus, Cleopas, Jesus, Disciple 1, , Disciple 2, , Disciple 3 Questions: Why did these two disciples leave Jerusalem after they heard the news from the women? Why did these disciples not recognize Jesus? 4th period done 6th period up to :54

5 “Why Do Catholics Go to Mass” page 5
Read together Questions: What three way is Jesus’ present in the Mass? How is the Mass similar to the Gospel about the Road to Emmaus? What preparation do your make for: game, meet, completion, play Why do you prepare before for one of these events? What happens if you are not prepared? What happens to other members of the group if you are not prepared? Mass is the central act of public worship. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection to new life are really present to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist

6 St. Paul’s Missionary Work page 6
Read the directions on the bottom of page 6 and work with a friend to answer the questions. For the following passages be prepared to answer deeper questions based on your answers 1 Corinthians 1: 11-13 How is that similar to today? Ephesians 6:13 6th period 5/16 What is the armor of God? Footnote 6:10-20 Philippians 2:6-8 What does it means to emptied himself? 4th period up to document # 2, ? 6 4th period 5/16

7 Scripture Study and Emmaus Walk page 7 & 8
Read Directions together: Any questions, do you understand what the first part is? What is the second part? Answer the questions quietly by yourself first, if not done in class finish for homework What must you have completed before you can do the second part.

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