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Leaders in Science Session 9 Workshop dry run...

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1 Leaders in Science Session 9 Workshop dry run...
Jason Williams and Sam Dalton 02-February-2017

2 Session overview Part 1: Recap last week ~5 mins
Part 2: Workshop practice within groups ~ 30 mins Part 3: Review of workshop and actions ~ 15 mins Part 4: Share your slides and workshop feedback ~10 mins

3 Aims of Today's Session By the end of the session today you should have: Attempted your practical experiment, and identified any issues Discussed these problems and how to correct them Finished off slides Ensured that your learning objectives are covered in the planned session


5 Presentation Skills Presentation Skills
Engage the audience – eye contact, audience participation Inclusivity Speed of talking Presentation Skills Consider the audience Body language Coffee, tea (caffeine) and alcohol are drugs many of us use every day. Clarity Nerves Tone of voice Um-ing and err-ing

6 Workshops – Ideas and the Curriculum
Year 5 and 6 curriculum topics: Life cycles Changes of materials Grouping materials based on their properties Solutions and dissolving (and recovery) Separating materials (filtering, sieving, evaporating) Reversible and irreversible changes Forces Gravity Air resistance, water resistance and friction Earth and Space Classification Humans and health Impact of lifestyle, drugs etc. Light Light travels in straight lines, casts shadows etc. How do we see objects? Electricity Evolution and inheritance Coffee, tea (caffeine) and alcohol are drugs many of us use every day.

7 For inspiration... World’s largest Baking soda volcano:
Building balloon cars (from bottles): Disappearing glass:


9 Wrap up Our first school visit is 9th March – there’s still time to fine tune this workshop! Any questions?

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