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Blanketing the world with love

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Presentation on theme: "Blanketing the world with love"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blanketing the world with love
Where do our church made blankets go? To a warehouse at New Windsor, MD,

2 Lutheran World Relief ……
Lutheran World Relief ……. Saves $ by jointly warehousing with the Brethern Church

3 A football l field is only 57,600 Sq. Ft.
72,000 Sq. Ft. Warehouse A football l field is only 57,600 Sq. Ft.

4 Deloris Langseth is met by the 2 member staff
Bridging the gap between those who need help and those who provide help.

5 Your work arrives by semi, trucks, train, pick-ups & cars

6 One Semi Load is stacked

7 A volunteer selects a box for content
Volunteers come from 100s of miles around 5 days each week to sort, repack, compress and wrap for shipping. “Love flows here!”

8 Blankets are folded for shipping

9 35 blankets per press. Each press weighs 100 lbs.
Loading the Presure Box This machine compresses the blankets into a bale.

10 Bale is wrapped for overseas

11 100 pounds of blankets labeled and ready to ship

12 35 per box for U.S. Emergencies

13 Boxes are weighed before being wrapped for storage.

14 Ready but not yet needed This is only one tiny section of the warehouse

15 School Kits also come here for sorting and packing

16 Health Kits also come for sorting and packing

17 Your hands and hearts are blessing God’s people.

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