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-its fun Created by Charlie Hadenfeldt

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1 -its fun Created by Charlie Hadenfeldt
Fun Quiz -its fun Created by Charlie Hadenfeldt

2 Catch the banana.

3 How many jelly beans are in this jar?
153 166 A lot


5 Is this word spelled correctly? bombinate

6 Can you get through the hardest maze ever?
Hint- There is a weakness in the wall on the east side.

7 Click the right button.

8 Which animal does not belong?

9 Who is the male actor in this picture?
Eddie Murphy Neil Jordan Edward Norton

10 You do -not- talk about fight club
The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. What is the second rule of fight club? Only two guys to a fight You do -not- talk about fight club One fight at a time

11 Who is this man? Nick Jonas Edward Norton Cristano Ranaldo

12 Can you avoid being hit by the bacon?

13 What is the answer to this problem. 16i x 16i
256 -256

14 How many feet are in 143 miles?
755,040 A lot 655,040

15 Can you catch the dog?

16 Was this quiz fun? Kinda

17 Catch the dog again.

18 Congratulations. You have finished the fun quiz.

19 Good. I like Edward Norton also.

20 Nice. I am also a fight club fan.

21 Yes. That is Eddie Murphy in the movie Vampire in Brooklyn.

22 A fish shouldn’t be with that group of animals. Nice work

23 Good choice.

24 Phew. Good work.

25 Perfect. Nice spelling.

26 Good.

27 Smart.

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