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Writing a Text Dependent Analysis Let’s use R.A.C.E.!

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Text Dependent Analysis Let’s use R.A.C.E.!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Text Dependent Analysis Let’s use R.A.C.E.!
Extended Response Writing a Text Dependent Analysis Let’s use R.A.C.E.!

2 Prompt In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character Bud Caldwell shows courage. Identify two instances when Bud was brave from chapters Justify your response with at least two details from the text.

3 Which is the best way to Restate the prompt? Why?
Bud was brave in chapters 1-5. OR In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character, Bud, showed that he was brave several times.

4 The next step in R.A.C.E. is to Answer the question
Let’s look at the prompt again… In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character Bud Caldwell shows courage. Identify two instances when Bud was brave from chapters Justify your response with at least two details from the text. There is no question! There is only a direction, so we can’t Answer anything. We can skip that step and move on to C = citing evidence.

5 Next, we must Cite evidence. (Use a transitional word or phrase
Next, we must Cite evidence! (Use a transitional word or phrase! Use a “Text Talker!”) The first time Bud showed courage was in chapter 3. Bud was brave because on page 27 it said, “I raised the rake over my head again, closed my eyes, and swung it like I was Paul Bunyan chopping down a tree with one blow.”

6 Here is what we have so far:
In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character, Bud, showed that he was brave several times. The first time Bud showed courage was in chapter 3. Bud was brave because on page 27 it said, “I raised the rake over my head again, and swung it like I was Paul Bunyan chopping down a tree with one blow.”

7 Next step? We have restated. We have given evidence.
We have added a transitional phrase and a text talker. Now we need to analyze that evidence.

8 What does analyze mean? Pair-share

9 To analyze something is to:
Give a thorough explanation and answer the question “Why?” Why does swinging the rake at the “vampire bat” make Bud brave. This shows that Bud was brave because he could have gotten killed if it was a real “vampire bat.” This is a good start but we need a more thorough analysis. What do you know about people who are brave?

10 Why does that action make Bud brave?
The first time Bud showed courage was in chapter 3. Bud was brave because on page 27 it said, “I raised the rake over my head again, closed my eyes, and swung it like I was Paul Bunyan chopping down a tree with one blow.” This shows that he was brave because he could have gotten killed if it was a real “vampire bat.” Brave people risk their lives in order to save themselves or others.

11 Are we finished? Take a look at the prompt again.
In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character Bud Caldwell shows courage. Identify two instances when Bud was brave from chapters Justify your response with at least two details from the text. What do we need to do now?

12 Yes! We need to add another piece of evidence!
Cite another piece of evidence Explain the evidence Analyze- why does this evidence support the topic of Bud’s bravery.

13 Cite evidence again…use a transitional phrase and a text talker!
Another time Bud showed courage was when he snuck in and out of the Amos’s house. According to the text on page 33, “I knew they’d shoot me in a flash and tell the Home it was an accident.”

14 Analyze??? Explain thoroughly and describe WHY?
This act proved that Bud was brave, because he could have gotten caught or shot by the Amoses. Again, Bud was putting his own life at risk.

15 How should we end? Pair- share

16 With a conclusion? In the novel, Bud, not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis, the main character, Bud, showed that he was brave several times. The first time Bud showed courage was in chapter 3. Bud was brave because on page 27 it said, “I raised the rake over my head again, and swung it like I was Paul Bunyan chopping down a tree with one blow.” This shows that he was brave because he could have gotten killed if it was a real “vampire bat.” Brave people risk their lives in order to save themselves or others. Another time Bud was brave was when he snuck in and out of the Amos’s house. According to the text on page 33, “I knew they’d shoot me in a flash and tell the Home it was an accident.” This made Bud brave because he could have gotten caught or shot by the Amoses. Again Bud was putting his own life at risk. In conclusion, Bud is a brave character because he risks his life to save himself from awful situations.

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