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Making inferences – Here Be Dragons

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1 Making inferences – Here Be Dragons
ELA - lab Making inferences – Here Be Dragons

2 Review “stated ideas” and “inference” Read the first paragraph as a class. After reading the first paragraph… “What is the one way a vampire can usually be killed?” This is a stated idea in the passage. “Why do vampires sleep in coffins and graves during the day?” In order to answer this question, you have to make an inference. From Legend to Life

3 After reading the text, identify if these are stated ideas or inferences. The seventh son of a seventh son was believed to turn into a vampire. The Countess of Nadasny was let off easier than her servants because she was rich and powerful. The Turkish envoys did not know that failing to remove their turbans would lead to death. In most Dracula stories and films, the vampire is a man. After being found out, the Countess of Nadasny was walled into a room in her castle, where she died. Highlight “stated ideas” as you come across them in the text for support. Practice

4 Read the story, “Here Be Dragons” This is an informational text related to the literary text, "The Smallest Dragonboy." As you read, they should pay close attention to the differences between Eastern dragons and Western dragons. Here Be Dragons

5 After reading, gather into small groups
After reading, gather into small groups. Each group will get a piece of chart paper and a marker. Remember: you can analyze what you’ve read through both stated ideas and by making inferences. What is the meaning of the word "distinguish“? What are some synonyms for the word? In groups, students will create a T-chart at the top of their chart paper: Stated Ideas I Inferences analyze the difference between Eastern dragons and Western dragons by categorizing both stated ideas from the text and inferences made while reading. share their T-charts with the class and discuss. Here Be Dragons

6 On a blank sheet of paper analyze Eastern and Western dragons
On a blank sheet of paper analyze Eastern and Western dragons. Use evidence from the text for support (one paragraph). Exit slip



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