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Bridging the Gap Scientists/Cavers

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Gap Scientists/Cavers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Gap Scientists/Cavers
Buried Issues How are views of the world of cavers and scientists different; the same? Open communication between the two groups Develop training sessions Scientists to cavers; Cavers to scientists

2 Evolution General to Specific
WMD hydrogeologists interested in general concepts; just learning 2000s Can put “arms around springshed” Can put “fingers around mapped caves” No further discussion

3 Data Form and Training Develop more complete data form to be used by divers Scientists/cavers develop form Divers collect data, fill out form, supply scientists with data FGS agreed to take lead

4 QA/QC Issues Associated with form and data collection

5 Land Owner Confidentiality
Property rights and protection

6 Need for Additional Glossary
Is it needed? If so, what terms need to be included?

7 Role in Watershed Management
How do we incorporate cave data?

8 Ideal state study site “block of Rock”
If needed, what would it look like and where would it be located

9 Issues not yet discussed
Continued development of database Future technology Potential to fund divers to collect data Associated liability

10 Buried Issues (Better Interaction)
Educational Outreach Scientists/cavers Cavers/Scientists Organize meetings between groups FGS to take lead Develop “speakers bureau” Scientists to attend Caver meetings Scientists need to become more “entertaining” FGS will try to coordinate

11 Buried Issues Develop message board
FGS to try to take lead (a workload?)

12 Data Form (To be filled out by willing cavers)
General Time, date, weather Physical (possible items; not all items) Conduits/caves – size and shape Features/morphology Depth (ave, max) Dist. of cave conduits Mapping coordinates

13 Data Form Sediments (sand, clay,mud) Photographs
Geological formations (to some extent) Fossils & Artifacts occurrence Modern artifacts Mineralization Colors/staining Breakdown Cohesiveness of cave material Domes and chimneys, vents and rooms Trib. Arrangement

14 Data Form Flow Quality Stage (relative); in/out Velocity (dist/time)
Clarity/turbidity Water color (blue, black, green, milky, “mung” Stratification Location of temp, color, WQ, Halocline change

15 Data Form Biological Metered analytes (need meter)
pH, T, cond, DO, density (?) Water sample (need training) Biological DEP “form” Vegetation at entrance

16 Form Miscel Training Sample – who for and what project
Location of sample collection Training Scientists will need to train cavers Cavers/Scientists go to each others meetings Caver meeting May 2004

17 QA/QC Adherence to QA/QC or sampling plans
Training by scientists needed Keep divers “chain of command” to a minimum

18 Glossary Use current glossary (scientists to cavers)
Develop a second glossary (cavers to scientists) As form develops into electronic format, a translator will be developed (S - C; C - S)

19 Ideal Site Goals and properties of site Test diving and science tech.
Adequate previous knowledge of system Access to site somewhat controlled Located near to cavers/researchers Begin in one area and later move to others Woodville Karst Plain (FGS define area)

20 Other Sites Man/Fan Eagles Nest Troy Weeki Itch Sulphur
Madison Blue Wekiwa Peacock Rainbow Beacon Woods Silver

21 Role in Watershed Man. Information from cavers is critical
Incorp. Locations of caves into WM Plans Incorporate Caver Maps into “Science” Will need QA

22 Confidentiality Need letters of support for a legislative bill to protect land owner confidentiality Panel developed draft letter of support Other possible supporters Hydroconsortium, FAPG NSS-CDS Fla Museum of Nat. Hist.?

23 Future Technology

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