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INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7.

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1 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7

2 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 Giving Prov. 11:25 “The liberal soul (generous soul -NKJV) will be made fat (Rich), and he who waters will be watered also.”

3 Increase premised on our
Giving to God Giving to others GIVING TO GOD Foundation – Everything we have or possess are from God; belongs to God (James 1:17) “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes from the father of light with whom there is no variation or shadow of forming”.

4 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 We are mere stewards of God’s Resources
(1 Peter 4:10) A steward –one who manages, administers and takes care of that which belongs to another. GIVING TO GOD- An acknowledgement of God’s ownership of every material blessing (1 Chron 29:14) “For all things come from You, And of Your own we have given You.” (King David)

5 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 2. TYPES OF GIVING Amount/quantity specified
Amount/quantity left to our discretion Compulsory Giving Tithe:- God commands us to tithe (10%) from what He has given us “(Lev. 27:30) “The tithe is the Lords it is holy unto the Lord”

6 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 Deut. 14:22 “you shall tithe all the increase of your seed” Mal. 3:10 “Bring yea all the tithe into the storehouse” Tithe- not an old testament thing - Jesus commended it (Luke 11:42)

7 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 Gods purpose for tithing in Old testament
To support the Levites, strangers, orphans, widows (Deut. 14:28-29) To support the running of the temple and God’s work in general (Mal. 3:10) To support the poor and needy in Israel (Ex 23:11)

8 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 New Testament:
To Support- Preachers, Teachers Full-time Ministers (Gal.6:6, 1 Cor 9:14, Phil 4:15-18) To Support the poor and needy in God’s family (Acts 4:34-37, Rom. 15:26) God’s special Promise to those who tithe - (Mal. 3:10) Jesus said- we should not neglect the tithe (Matt 23:23)

9 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 TITHING EXPRESSES FAITH. It does not buy God’s blessings, but it releases His blessings upon our lives (Mal 3:10)“___prove me now____and see if I will not open the windows ___and pour out a blessing__not be room enough to receive it “ - It is an expression of faith in God in the most practical way possible (e.i. belief that the 90% left after tithing has God’s blessing on it and with such blessing the 90% can purchase more than the 100% would without his blessing)

10 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 Tithing not limited to Money but extends to other possession e.g. oil, fruit, animals, harvest etc. ii DISCRETIONARY GIVING -Besides the tithe, scriptures encourage us to give out of the remaining 90% to the Needy, widows, orphans, aliens, Freewill offerings (Lev. 22:21), Special Project (Ezra 8:24-36, Neh. 7:70-72) Ministers of Gospel etc.

11 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 The proportion of what is given out of the 90% left and the spirit/attitude it is given is what determines the level of increase we receive and Not the tithe we pay (2 Cor. 9:6-7) Therefore it is important to be a generous & cheerful giver (Ex. 25:2)

Tithe-: “acquires the field” Offerings (from remaining 90%)- are seeds which when sown (by giving)- result in increase. God does not measure our giving by the amount we give, but rewards us according to the left –over after giving (Luke 21:1-4)

13 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 THE POOR – Necessary for them to give to receive God’s blessing which will break the curse of poverty e.g. Macedonia Christians (2 Cor. 8:2) Jesus (our Ultimate example) Was rich, became poor in order to bless us (2 Cor. 8:9) REFUSAL TO GIVE (Compulsorily or Discretionary) Implications Refusal to appreciate our role as not owners but stewards of God blessings. An act of robbery and rebellion towards God (Mal. 3:8-12)

Open heavens over the life of the giver Abundant blessing Protection from the devourers Protection from want and famine Why give during a recession? See Ecl. 11:1-6 (esp. vs 4 Amp & 6)

15 INCREASE 1 COR. 3:1-7 YOUR GIVING SHOULD NOT BE LIMITED TO MATERIAL THINGS - GIVE – Talents/Skills, – Time, – Praise As we give to God individually and collectively as a church, we increase individually and increase as a church) As we collectively sow seeds of giving (Offerings, Praise, Time) and water same with continuous giving and living acceptable to God- God will increase us, as a Church

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