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Analyzing ATLAS Data Name: Manuel / Kit TRUIMF UBC MasterClass

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1 Analyzing ATLAS Data Name: Manuel / Kit TRUIMF UBC MasterClass
Date: 8 / Apr / 2017

2 How to select the events
Randomly distributed USB sticks with ATLAS data. Looked for the highest momentum (energy) Apply cuts in order to prioritize Determined the location within the detector Paired charges together (+/-) Determined the event through the decay: Di-Photon Di-Electron Di-Muon Four-lepton Uncertain events ignored

3 How to find Muons? Muons, which are charged leptons don’t interact with most matter. Therefore in order to find the muon, you have to use the specialized muon detector. A muon event can be characterized by two tracks which reach the outer edge of the ATLAS detector. These tracks run almost opposite to each other. In a muon event, two muons are formed with opposite charges.



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