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Presentation on theme: "MYANMAR THE FINAL FRONTIER FOR THE MOBILE INTERNET Photo: KXStudio."— Presentation transcript:


2 Myanmar… but where is it?
Myanmar, pop. 53 million

3 In 2011 Myanmar opened up to the world again.
The Final Frontier?* 59 years of military dictatorship and being cut off from the outside world turned a former economic success into the backwater of Asia. In 2011 Myanmar opened up to the world again. Media and internet censorship was largely removed and mobile ownership started to climb. Taking advantage of the growing mobile ownership On Device Research surveyed 577 mobile internet users in Myanmar for the first time ever. * Cuba and North Korea are the only remaining countries where research via mobile is not possible. Photo: Christopher Michel

4 g w O Myanmar in numbers, 2014 53 million 33% : 67% 10% 1% NA
Population 53 million Urban vs rural population 33% : 67% Mobile penetration 10% Internet penetration 1% Mobile internet penetration NA Source: Asian Development Bank, 2012, UN Data, 2012, Internet World Stats, 2012

5 Newcomers are flocking online
Plummeting device prices, cheaper SIM cards and data packages double the mobile internet population in the last 12 months Q. When did you first use a phone to go online? 50% combined 30% 28% 22% 20% 1-5 months ago 6-12 months ago Over a year ago More than 2 years ago Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

6 A mobile-only nation Nearly half of the respondents use internet only on their mobile. Improving networks, decreasing device and data prices mean that majority of population will leapfrog PCs. Q. How often do use internet on a PC or laptop? Mobile-only 49% internet users 29% 9% 9% 4% Daily Weekly Few times a month Less than once a month I do not use internet on a PC or laptop Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

7 Internet beats other media
Nearly three quarters use internet on their mobile daily! Mobile Internet Television Newspaper Radio 36% 72% 61% 50% 27% 15% 25% 18% 19% 17% 20% 18% 12% 6% 2% 3% Daily Once a week/several times a week Several times a month or less frequently Never Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

8 Mobile internet is changing lives
Mobile-only nation Nearly half use internet only on their mobile. Will Myanmar almost completely leapfrog the PC? Q. How often do use internet on a PC or laptop? Mobile internet is changing lives Q. In which ways has internet on your phone changed your life? 27% 23% 18% Easier to keep in touch with friends and family 42% Easier to follow the news 40% Faster and easier communication Better access to information online Improved access to entertainment Easier to meet people from around the world Source: On Device Research, June Photo: Brian Holsclaw n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

9 Myanmawr – who’s online
on their phone?

10 fffffffkkk Young men dominate
Echoing other emerging markets - mobile internet users are mainly young men, only 29% are women fffffffkkk Average for South-East Asia: 63% men, 37% women 16-24 38% 25-34 36% 35-44 16% 45+ 10% Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

11 71% Huawei’s utter dominance 14%
One brand dominating the handset market in such a way is unheard of in South-East Asia or elsewhere… + dozens of other brands with 1% market share or less among the mobile internet users 71% 14% Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=1500 mobile internet users in Myanmar

12 Android nation We knew there wouldn’t be many iPhone owners in Myanmar but lack of feature phone users was a complete surprise Android 95% Other (feature phones) 3.5% iPhone + iPad 1% India 21% Vietnam 24% Indonesia 26% Malaysia 40% Thailand 44% Symbian, Blackberry, Windows 0.5% Starting from a clean sheet in 2011, lack of legacy handsets and plummeting Android prices have all contributed to this anomaly. Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=5000 mobile internet users in Myanmar

13 Favourite mobile brands
Apple might be #3 in popularity but average income means few will be able to afford it Q. What are your favourite mobile brands? Select up to 3. 63% Significantly more women prefer 58% Samsung (69% vs 53%) 32% 18% 15% 12% 9% 6% 5% Huawei Samsung Apple Nokia Sony HTC LG Lenovo Other Source: On Device Research, June 2014 n=577 mobile internet users in Myanmar

14 Viber absolutely rules in Myanmar

15 Monopoly for Viber Usual market leaders like WhatsApp are struggling with traction Q. Which of the following chat apps do you use? 79% 27% 11% 10% 10% 8% 5% 4% Viber Facebook Skype WeChat Other WhatsApp Line I don't use Messenger chat apps

16 Over half use Facebook Twitter, Instagram and other popular Western services remain below the 5% threshold Q. Which of the following social networks do you use? 58% Surprisingly local mobile social network MySquar wasn’t popular either 31% 19% 16% 12% Facebook Youtube Google+ Other Don't use social networks

17 Search is the most popular activity
Q. What do you use the internet on your phone for? 33% 21% 19% 17% 14% Searching World & local news Watching videos Social networking Listening to music Sports news 41%

18 55% live on $155 or less a month Q. What’s your monthly income?
100,000 kyat = $102 29% 26% 21% 14% 10% Less than 100,000 kyat 100, ,000 kyat per month 151, ,000 kyat per month 200,000 or more Prefer not to answer

19 Nearly half have bachelors degree Q. What’s your level of education?
41% 27% 17% 7% 7% 1% Primary school Secondary / High school Bachelors degree Other qualification None Prefer not to answer

20 The Myanmar project was incredibly exciting - there
was zero information about mobile internet users and usage so far. This is exactly why I started On Device Research in the first place! Mobile will explode in the next couple of years making it the fastest and most cost effective way to reach and understand Burmese people. Alistair Hill, CEO On Device Research

21 Want Excel tables with the survey data?
Contact On Device Research uses the mobile internet to gain access to consumer opinions at any time, place or country.

22 Find out more: Follow us: Siim Teller
@teller Follow us:


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