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Live Animal Evaluation Beef

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Presentation on theme: "Live Animal Evaluation Beef"— Presentation transcript:

1 Live Animal Evaluation Beef

2 Fat Indicators Tailhead & Pins Last Ribs Fore flank Rear flank & Cod

3 Steer 1

4 Steer 2

5 Comparison Steer 1 - Choice Steer 2 - Standard

6 Market Beef Muscle Indicators
Loin Quarter/ Rump Forearm Stifle

7 Live Cattle Evaluation
Live Weight Dressing Percentage 12th rib fat Rib Eye Area Kidney, Pelvic, Heart fat (KPH) Breed Influence Quality Grade Yield Grade

8 Weight Live or Carcass Live Weight range Carcass Weight range
900 lb to 1500 lb Avg: lb Carcass Weight range 550 lb to 950 lb 775 lb

9 Dressing Percentage Proportion of live weight that ends up as carcass
Example: lb steer with a 775 lb carcass has a dressing percent of 62% Range: % Avg: 62%

10 Factors Affecting Dressing %
Gut Fill Gut fill = Body Weight = Dressing % Hide weight and/or mud Hide wt = Dressing % Muscle Muscle = Dressing % Fat Fat = Dressing % Dairy influence

11 12th Rib Fat Highly correlated to retail yield
Predictor of total carcass fatness Range: .15 in. to .80 in. Avg: .40 .25 in. considered minimum

12 Rib Eye Area Highly correlated with lean yield
Predictor of total carcass muscle Dependant of carcass weight Range: sq. in. Avg: sq. in. for 1150 lb steer Rule of thumb: 1.1 sq. in. for 100 lb live wt

13 KPH Internal fat as a percentage of carcass weight
Continental cattle will tend to have less than British cattle Range: % Avg: 2.5%

14 Breed Influence The use of genetic data has helped increase the animals ability to grade, however not all breeds grade equally. English Breeds: most consistent Continental: tend to lack marbling, bad attitudes stress out marbling Brahman: thicker hide; tend to be low marbling, decreased dressing % Dairy: tend to be lean, but marble well

15 Quality Grade Assigned according to amount of marbling and bone maturity Most influential component of pricing Range: Standard to Prime Avg: Low Choice

16 USDA Quality Grades

17 Factors Affecting Quality Grade
Genetics Age of cattle Time on feed Energy content of diet Fat cover Continental/ Brahman influence

18 Yield Grade Calculated to predict yield of boneless, closely trimmed, retail cuts from the round, loin, rib and chuck (BCTRC) Based on 4 estimations 12th rib fat Hot carcass weight (HCW) Rib eye area (REA) Kidney, pelvic, heart fat (KPH)

19 Yield Grade Range: 1 through 5 Avg: 3.0
1 = Lean and/or Muscular; High cutability 5 = Fat and/or Light Muscled; Low cutability Avg: 3.0

20 Market Steers Front

21 Market Steers Side

22 Market Steers Rear

23 Official Placing Class 1: Angus SteersCuts: 2-3-2

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