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A Helpful Guide to CSCE 145 or How I Learned to Love the Machines

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Presentation on theme: "A Helpful Guide to CSCE 145 or How I Learned to Love the Machines"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Helpful Guide to CSCE 145 or How I Learned to Love the Machines
By Dr. JJ Shepherd

2 Overview Basic Information Lecture Labs Lab Reports Homework Exams
Grading Cheating Other Important Information

3 Basic Information Dr. JJ Shepherd Office: 3A46
Website: Submit work to: Labs, Lab Reports, Homework

4 Lecture This is currently lecture Go over new material Give examples
Tons of hints Come to lecture!

5 Labs Reinforces what was gone over in lecture Happens twice a week
Structure Sign in (YOU MUST DO THIS!!!) Random pairing Brief overview BEGIN CODING (Pair Programming) One person types while the other person leads Switch off every 10 minutes or so Make sure to comment! Show the TA when “finished” Upload to BOTH dropbox accounts with BOTH names in the top comments LEAVE!

6 Lab Reports Due the week after the lab Write up about the lab
Shouldn’t be more than 3 pages Structure Problem Proposed Solution (Flow Chart or UML Diagram if requested) Tests and Results Problems Encountered Conclusions and Discussion

7 Homework A longer programming assignment given at the beginning of the week and due end of the week Usually Friday by 11:55PM Upload to dropbox Late submission get a 0 Make sure to comment!

8 Exams 2 written exams 2 lab exams Final Exam
Closed book and notes 2 lab exams Open book and notes, but not open internet Final Exam Also closed book and notes, and comprehensive These combined are worth 50% of your grade

9 Cheating DON’T DO IT If it isn’t an original thought from your brain and is entered into your computer then it is considered cheating Common forms Colleague gives you code Copy and pasting Basically if anyone gives you code besides me First offense is a 0 on the assignment, and anymore will be taken up with Academic Integrity

10 Grading Keep track of all of your grades on dropbox
The TA’s grade mostly everything Problems or concerns about a grade? CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY! No late work is accepted All grades are final by the last day of class The class before the final

11 Other Information If you have any type of problem or concern either me or come by my office hours In an make sure to include the class and your section number I can be slow to respond to s because the volume of students To help me out in the include your name, class, and section number Don’t be a jerk Join ACM and CGC!

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