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Classical India: Aryan Invasion Theory, Mauryan & Gupta Empires

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1 Classical India: Aryan Invasion Theory, Mauryan & Gupta Empires

2 To Review Harrapan (Indus River Valley) Civilization declines around 1500 BCE Several theories (floods, earthquakes, famine, and invasion) Today we will learn about those invaders & their impact on Classical India Classical: from roughly the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans c. 700 BCE to 400 AD

3 Who Were the Aryans? People from the larger Indo-European family of languages From Central Asia Nomadic cattle herders C BCE they started to leave their homeland in Central Asia and spread out in many directions C entered the Indus River Valley through the Hindu Kush Mountains


5 Indo-European Migration

6 Aryan Invasion of India

7 Aryan Migration Two Theories:
Originated in India Migrated from somewhere in Central Asia

8 Aryan Contributions Caste System
Probably originally based on skin color (lighter skin on top, darker on the bottom) Varna: meant “color” Could not marry someone from another caste

9 Aryan Contributions Sanskrit Video

10 Aryan Contributions The Vedas: Aryan’s sacred literature
4 collections of prayers, spells, and instructions for performing rituals Most famous: Rig Veda

11 Aryan Political Organization
Aryans were divided into tribes Led by a raja, or prince Small kingdoms Often fought among themselves 1500 BCE to 400 BCE

12 Chandragupta Maurya Indian prince
Founded the Mauryan dynasty in 321 BCE shortly after Alexander the Great invades India (327 BCE) Unifies India for the first time Started by Chandragupta Maurya

13 Chandragupta’s Accomplishments
Centralized government Meaning the ruler runs the government and everything to do with it from a capital city Capital at Pataliputra Built a strong army Spy system so he knew what was going on in his empire Postal System so he could communicate throughout his empire

14 Asoka Greatest Mauryan leader Ruled from 273 BCE- 232 BCE
Started as a strong military leader but came to hate war After one bloody battle, he walked the battlefield looking at all of the dead bodies and made a promise He would dedicate his life to the Buddha and start a life od peace

15 Asoka & Buddhism Adopted Buddhism
Spread Buddhism by sending Buddhist teachers to throughout India and Asia Free Hospitals & Veterinary clinics Built new roads to make trade easier Built shelters and trees along the roads so travelers could rest Allowed Hindus to keep their religion

16 Spread of Buddhism

17 Spread of Buddhism

18 Buddhism Ideals Peace Reincarnation (reborn into a new life after death) Good deeds Obey elders Not to focus on material things

19 Fall of the Mauryan Empire
After Asoka’s death in 232 BCE the emperors were weak Heavy taxes and seized peasants’ crops 183 BCE the last emperor was killed by one of his own generals

20 Gupta Empire For 500 years India had no strong ruler
Subcontinent divided into small kingdoms again that fought constantly 320 A.D. a prince from the area around the Ganges River became powerful Named Chandragupta Chose to rule from the old capital Pataliputra

21 Gupta Empire

22 Samdragupta Chandragupta’s son
Expanded the empire to include all of Northern India Empire was smaller than the Mauryans and easier to rule

23 Gupta & Trade Gupta empire grew wealthy off trade
Traded salt, gold, and iron in India Traded with China and the Mediterranean Cities grew along the trade routes

24 Gupta & Hinduism Made Hinduism the official religion
Gave money to help build shrines

25 Gupta Empire & Learning
Literature Ramayana About a great king, Rama, and his queen, Sita He was banished from his kingdom but later defeats the demon Ravana who had kidnapped Sita Contained moral lessons for the people Mahabharata Longest poem in any written language About a great war for the control of India Most famous section in called the Bhagavad Gita, where a god Krishna preaches a sermon before a battle Important to Hindu religion because Krishna tells his listeners that it is important to do one’s duty even when it is difficult or painful

26 Gupta & Learning Astronomy Medical Advances Mathematics
Idea that the universe was made of tiny particles (atoms) Mapped the movement of the stars Knew the earth was round & that the Earth revolved around the sun Medical Advances Learned how to set bones & perform operations Early form of plastic surgery Mathematics Discovery of “zero” Decimal system Concept of infinity (something that goes on forever) Symbols for 1-9 that we use today Invented algorithms (a series of steps you follow to solve a problem) Today computer programmers use algorithms to tell computers what to do

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