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Transformation of Energy

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1 Transformation of Energy

2 Transformation of Energy
When the energy in a system changes from one form to another (like from potential to kinetic) this is known as transformation of energy

3 Example During a roller coaster ride energy changes many times. At the top of the hill the roller coaster has a lot of potential energy (stored energy). After this, energy goes through a series of transformations, turning from potential to kinetic energy and back to potential.

4 The Law of Conservation of Energy
Simply put: Energy cannot be created or destroyed Energy does not just appear Energy cannot be created from nothing It must be due to energy that enters the system from an external source Energy does not just disappear It can change forms, but not disappear

5 Example What happens when we bounce a ball?
As it bounces, it begins to bounce lower and lower This means after every bounce it has a decrease in potential and kinetic energy This energy doesn’t disappear BUT WHERE DOES IT GO??

6 Where Does It Go?? If all of the kinetic energy of the ball transformed back into kinetic energy after it bounced, what would happen? The ball would continue to bounce at the same height Obviously this isn’t what happens, so where did the energy go?

7 Where Does It Go When the ball hits the ground, some of the kinetic energy compresses the air around the ball, making a sound Some of the kinetic energy makes the ball, air, and ground hotter Because these other forms of energy are not due to motion, they are considered non-mechanical energy

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