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Energy Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Notes

2 Energy: ability to do work
Not created or destroyed Can transform (change form) Some energy is always lost when energy changes form.

3 How does all this relate to our energy pyramid activity?
Sun started with all the points. Light energy from sun is converted to chemical energy Chemical energy = energy stored in chemicals Stored in bonds Energy was lost at each level of the pyramid 90% energy lost as heat Only 10% gained

4 True or false: Energy can be created or
destroyed. What is chemical energy?


6 Other types of energy Kinetic- energy of motion
Potential- stored energy (in food in chemical bonds)

7 ATP: Energy of cells

8 ATP is made in the mitochondria!!!
A lot of energy is stored in phosphate bonds Broken by adding water Makes ADP (one less phosphate) Can be recharged by removing water Energy from food Energy for cellular work - H2O


10 What is ATP? What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?


12 Energy flow in a nutshell
Sun Plants- convert light energy into chemical energy Consumers- convert food into chemical energy (ATP)

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