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Aleph 500 Circulation In-House use

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1 Aleph 500 Circulation In-House use
Yoel Kortick

2 Introduction “In-House use” circulation is used to measure how often items are used but not necessarily circulated. The usage is based on how often the items are removed from the regular shelves Each time an item is found on a table, cart, or anywhere which is not the regular shelf it is recorded as having been used. Later, statistics may be gathered for how many times each item was “used”

3 Methodology For example items may be cleared from the tables by staff at the end of the day. Before returning the items to the sheves they are brought to the circulation desk to record that they have been used “in house”. There are two ways to do this: Return the items as if they were on loan Record the tem via the menu “circulation > in house use” The following slide describes this in detail.

4 Methodology Items are returned in circulation module even though they are not on loan. This will happen: an "82" z35 event is created as defined in the tab_events.lng table a “29” record for z309 circulation log is created Items are recorded by using the menu "circulation  > in house use" and then entering the barcode.   This will happen: an "80" z35 event is created as defined in the tab_events.lng table a “30” record for z309 circulation log is created

5 Methodology The statistics may be gathered by running the service “Circulation Logger Report (cir-21)” In the report the user will specify "In-house use" as the Action (for the z309 type '30's) and/or "Not On Loan Return" (for the z309 type '29's). A library could also of course do one of the of the following: Write personal SQL scripts or Run ARC reports which would read these.

6 Example using return option
Let’s say that at the end of the day the following barcodes are left on the tables and carts We assume therefore that someone took them off the shelf and used them Y

7 Example using return option
In this case we return the items even though they were not on loan

8 Example using return option
Here are the Z35 events created for the returned items which were not on loan: select Z35_EVENT_TYPE from Z35 where Z35_EVENT_DATE = ' '; rows selected.

9 Example using return option
Here are the Z309 events created for the items: select Z309_ACTION from Z309 where substr(Z309_DATE_X,1,8) = ' '; rows selected.

10 Example using in-house menu option
Now we have ten more items left on the tables and carts at the end of the day We assume therefore that someone took them off the shelf and used them

11 Example using in-house menu option
Now we return them using menu “circulation > in house use”

12 Example using in-house menu option
Here are the Z35 events created for the returned items using menu “circulation > in house use”: select Z35_EVENT_TYPE from Z where Z35_EVENT_DATE = ' ‘ 3 and Z35_EVENT_TYPE = '80'; rows selected.

13 Example using in-house menu option
Here are the Z309 events created for the returned items using menu “circulation > in house use”: select Z309_ACTION from Z309 where substr(Z309_DATE_X,1,8) = ' ' and Z309_ACTION = '30'; rows selected.

14 Gathering the statistics
Now we can see the statistics of the “in-house use” by running the service “Circulation Logger Report (cir-21)”. We have chosen actions “Not on Loan Return” and “In House Use”

15 Gathering the statistics
Here is our report (partial)

16 Gathering the statistics
Here is a way to make the reports via SQL The following SQL will give a count of in-house "loans" by month: s+ xxx50   SQL>  select substr (z35_event_date,1,6), count(*) from z where (z35_event_type = '80‘ or z35_event_type = '82') group by substr(z35_event_date,1,6);

17 Gathering the statistics
The following SQL will give a report of “in hoiuse use” by sub library for a particular year/month: s+ xxx50   SQL> select z35_sub_library, count(*) from z where (z35_event_type = '80' or z35_event_type = '82') and z35_event_date like 'yyyymm%' group by z35_sub_library order by z35_sub_library;

18 Gathering the statistics
For example: select substr (z35_event_date,1,6), count(*) 2 from z where (z35_event_type = '80‘ 4 or 5 z35_event_type = '82') 6 group by substr(z35_event_date,1,6); **** Hit return to continue **** SUBSTR(Z35_EVENT_D COUNT(*)

19 Yoel Kortick

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