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SSR2014: Basic concepts and issues in development

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1 SSR2014: Basic concepts and issues in development
LECTURE 5: Industrialization

2 Objectives To explain what is meant by the term industrialization.
The discuss the relations between industrialization and capitalism. To describe the effects of industrialization and innovation – on the economy, the society and the environment

3 Industrialization: what is it?
Process of social and economic change. Transformation from pre-industrial society to industrial society. Technological innovation.

4 The characteristics of Pre-Industrial Society
Limited production Primarily agriculture Limited division of labour – simplistic lifestyle Limited variation of social classes Developed largely in rural areas

5 Industrialization & capitalism
Industrial Revolution is part of the expansion of capitalism; which: Involve the creation & expansion of markets for new mass manufactured goods Capitalism – at the heart of the driving philosophy of industrialism. Production no longer need to be small scale, localized and craft based.

6 The effects are what we now regarded as modernity
The results… Become large scale, speeded up and deskilled through the process of mechanization. Industrial Revolution – brought sweeping new social, political and economic factors to a place or locality; which: Changed the ideological landscape and physical geography of Europe at that time … The effects are what we now regarded as modernity

7 modernity One of the key features of modernity is the way it allow for and encourage the expansion of urbanism. Urbanism - scale developed during this period was much larger than pre-industrial area: E.g. population in Europe, between , grew from 140 million to 266 million (over 90% rise in 100 years) E.g. Manchester – a small town with 1 cotton mill in 1780 but by 1830, Manchester had over 99 mills.

8 Urbanism According to Louis Wirth (in Urbanism as a Way of Life), industrial cities are characterized by their: Size Density Heterogeneity

9 Louis Wirth: Modern industrial cities are characterized by:
An extensive division of labour. Emphasis on innovation and achievement Lack of primary ties to a localized neighbourhoods Encouragement of social mobility

10 The Characteristics of Industrialization
Wider choices of employment Concentrated in urban areas Technological innovation Division of labour – skilled vs non-skilled

11 The history of Industrialization
First Industrial Revolution Britain in 18th and 19th century Major shift in technological, socioeconomic & culture Second Industrial Revolution Great changes in the industry/technology In the 18th and early 19th century, machines were simple Electric power (end of 19th century) Assembly lines – introduced by Henry Ford, 1913 Breakthrough in scientific knowledge: physics, chemistry = steel, chemicals, petroleum Rise of new industrial powers – Germany, USA

12 Creating new social classes…
New social classes are created – peasant & many artisan class are now merged into an industrial working class Large scale capitalists (both commercial & industrial) become society’s powerful elites

13 Effects on workers Workers’ dissatisfaction with the industries – e.g. the workers’ uprising during the French Revolution (1830) Concerns about being replaced with machines Resulted in more cohesive and politically organized working class; And political agenda often dominated by issues of economic inequalities

14 Technological innovation
Textile manufacture Metallurgy Mining Steam power Chemicals Machine tools Transportation – canals, roads, railways

15 Social innovation Impact on family structure
Rise of professional athletics – Adidas in Olympic games

16 impacts on family structure
William Goode ( in World Revolution and the Family) argues that industrialization undermines the existence of the extended family. (a) movements of individuals between different regions; (b) higher levels of social mobility; (c) the erosion of the functions of the family, these being taken over by external organizations such as schools, businesses and the state;

17 Social effects Factories and urbanisation
Rural Displacement (as a result of Urbanisation) Child labour Housing (working class districts are located in the least desirable areas of the city, with no proper facilities) Organization of labour (working hours vs minimal pay)

18 Child labour Exploitation – overworked and underpaid
Money vs education Chimney sweepers in mid 19th Century Britain Sweatshops workers – Pakistan, India, China Reasons – cheap labour, higher profits How to overcome/ address this issue?

19 impacts on the Environment
massing of many industries in same industrial districts created pollution – air, water, environment Waste and misappropriation of natural resources Global warming

20 What are the impacts of industrial revolution/ industrialization?

21 Not all are bad …. Effects on society – through efficient production of manufactured goods; Reduce cost of commodities to consumers Many items, previously considered as luxuries, are now available to wider communities. Example? Therefore, improved standard of livings Another advantage – increased number of employment – but mostly low-wage jobs (thus, creation of middle class) …pro & cons

22 The positive effects … Rise of labour unions – due to deplorable working conditions, low pay etc. More job opportunities for women – e.g. in textile industries during early to mid 19th Century Pay is less than men …but it opens the opportunity for women to contribute to the economy as wage earners Job opportunities for migrants (e.g in USA – migrants from Ireland, Germany etc) in industries

23 others Improved life through social change as a result of industrialization. Improved life through increased use of mechanization. Industrialization gave better quality goods, goods that before had been impossible to make, like steel, and more goods for the same amount of time.

24 Summary By now, you should be able to:
Define and explain industrialization. Discuss the effects on industrialization in the context of politics, economy, social and environment processes. Describe and discuss the positive and negative effects of industrialization.

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