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Lesson Aims: To learn how humans and animals hear sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Aims: To learn how humans and animals hear sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Aims: To learn how humans and animals hear sounds.
Lesson 3 – Hearing Sound Lesson Aims: To learn how humans and animals hear sounds.

2 Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson you should be able to
Explain that sound waves make our eardrums vibrate Describe how this vibration enables us to hear sounds Explain how the ear works Describe results of an investigation into hearing Give examples of hearing ranges of animals

3 Listen quietly to the sound
Put your hand up when you can no longer hear it Humans can usually hear between the ranges of 20Hz and Hz The lowest frequency I can hear is ______Hz The highest frequecy I can hear is ______ Hz Read Page 103 1.Explain why some people have different hearing ranges 2. List the animals in order of the highest frequency they can hear and explain why they each have different hearing ranges ti humans

4 How sound travels… As we know, sound waves are formed when something vibrates. But how does the sound reach our ears? Air molecules 2) The vibrations pass through air by making air molecules vibrate 3) These vibrations are picked up by the ear 1) An object makes a sound by vibrating

5 The Ear - Animation

6 How does the ear work? 1) Sound waves are “funnelled” into the ear by the pinna 5) The electrical signals are then sent to the brain 3) These vibrations make the ear bones vibrate 4) These vibrations are turned into electrical signals in the cochlea 2) These vibrations make the ear drum vibrate

7 Ear - Labelled

8 Complete the worksheet of how the ear works and paste into your books
Extension answer questions on page 104

9 Watch the video Write down three key points for this lesson
Homework: Explain to an adult how the ear works (They must sign your daybook to say you have done this )

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