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Lesson 2.

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1 Lesson 2

2 Homework (Due next lesson)
Russia Quiz 2 due next lesson Read pages of WJEC “Immediate Problems facing Lenin following the seizure of power” Complete questions #1-3 on page 84: 1) Describe the role of the Sovnarkom. 2) Why do you think Lenin felt it necessary to dissolve the Constituent Assembly so soon after its election? 3) Explain why the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was unpopular with many Russians.

3 5 Minute review from last lesson: Treaty of Brest Litovsk

4 STARTER: Treaty of Brest Litovsk Discussion in pairs – Class feedback
Who did Lenin put in charge of negotiating the peace terms Why did Lenin want to prolong the discussion What were the terms of the Treaty? Why do you think he eventually had to agree to the terms Was the Treaty a means to an end? How so? How can this lead to a Civil War?

5 Why did the Bolsheviks win the civil war?
Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

6 Recap – how secure was Bolshevik rule of Russia by 1918?
Lenin’s policies made him very unpopular – in August 1918 he was shot 3 times by a Social Revolutionary agent. By the end of 1918 a collection of anti-Bolshevik groups had united to crush the Bolsheviks – Whites. They included: Socialist Revolutionaries Mensheviks Supporters of the tsar Landlords and capitalists who had lost land and/or money in the revolution. The Czech Legion (former prisoners of war) Had support from foreign countries (i.e. Britain, France, Japan, USA who wanted to force Russia back into the war with Germany). They were opposed by the Bolsheviks (Reds). Who do you think is likely to win the civil war – the Reds or Whites? WHY?

7 Who was involved in the civil war?
Almost as soon as they came to power the Bolsheviks faced a civil war. Discuss with the person beside you who you think will make up each side of the Civil War, and the reasons for their allegiance. The Reds The Whites Foreign Interventionists

8 Who was involved in the civil war?
Almost as soon as they came to power the Bolsheviks faced a civil war. Below are the main forces that were involved with reasons for their allegiances. The Reds were the Bolshevik government and the armies who fought for them. They fought to defend the Bolshevik victory. Foreign Interventionists were countries such as the USA, Britain and France who wanted to bring the Bolshevik government to an end. The Whites were led by the former officers of the tsar’s army, and the people who were outside of the area that the Reds controlled between 1917 and 1921.

9 Rivals to the Bolsheviks (10 minutes)
You are to work in groups of four. Each group will research a rival of the Bolsheviks. You need to explain: Who you are. What you want/ Why you are fighting How strong you are. Groups are: The Czech Legion The Whites The Greens Foreign Powers Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

10 Evaluation of the Rivals (15-20 minutes)
Now get into groups where each of the rival groups are represented. Share your knowledge and take notes, so you have detailed and factual notes on each. As a group, evaluate the strength of the rivals and rank them – who was the most serious threat to the Bolsheviks and why? Should the Bolsheviks be frightened of these forces? Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

11 Bolshevik poster of 1918, what does this say about the opposition to the Bolsheviks during the Civil War?

12 Homework due FRIDAY Handout Task – to do a factfile on the two sides during the Russian Civil War. You need to think about the advantages/disadvantages that each side had & also main events of the Civil War. Cover these points: Geographic factors Aims Leadership/unity Foreign intervention Peasant Support Note should use WJEC page 85 / internet sources Opposition Bolsheviks Make handout from SHP p and Russia in Transition page 64.

13 Lesson 3

14 Handout Homework due FRIDAY: Task – to do a factfile on the two sides during the Russian Civil War. You need to also think about the advantages/disadvantages that each side had. Cover these points: Geographic factors Aims Leadership/unity Foreign intervention Peasant Support Note should use WJEC page 85 / internet sources Opposition Bolsheviks Make handout from SHP p and Russia in Transition page 64.

15 Rivals to the Bolsheviks (Feedback)
You are to work in groups of four. Each group will research a rival of the Bolsheviks. You need to explain: Who you are. What you want/ Why you are fighting How strong you are. Groups are: The Czech Legion The Whites The Greens Foreign Powers Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

16 Task for today: What part was played by the White Generals in the Civil War?
Look at your map and the hand out you have been given. Use pages 62 and 63 of Russia in Transition to fill in the boxes on your sheet. Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

17 General Yudenich General Denikin Admiral Kolchak
Bolshevik poster showing the Whites as dogs on leads held by the Allied Powers. The dogs are named Denikin, Kolchak and Yudenich – how did the Bolsheviks portray the White generals? General Denikin Admiral Kolchak

18 Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

19 Lesson 4

20 Homework due FRIDAY: Feedback information - Handout
Task – to do a factfile on the two sides during the Russian Civil War. You need to also think about the advantages/disadvantages that each side had. Cover these points: Geographic factors Aims Leadership/unity Foreign intervention Peasant Support Note should use WJEC page 85 / internet sources Opposition Bolsheviks Make handout from SHP p and Russia in Transition page 64.

21 Leadership Geographic issues Peasants support Foreign intervention
To complete next lesson What was the most important reason why the Bolsheviks won the Civil War? Give each factor a mark out of 5 (1 = not important; 5 = very important) & explain your choice Leadership Geographic issues Peasants support Foreign intervention Unified aims Propaganda Trotsky. Objective: 1) To analyse the use of Bolshevik propaganda during the Civil War. 2) To evaluate the role of Trotsky during the civil war.

22 Class Feedback What part was played by the White Generals in the Civil War?
Look at your map and the hand out you have been given. Use pages 62 and 63 of Russia in Transition to fill in the boxes on your sheet. Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

23 General Yudenich General Denikin Admiral Kolchak
Bolshevik poster showing the Whites as dogs on leads held by the Allied Powers. The dogs are named Denikin, Kolchak and Yudenich – how did the Bolsheviks portray the White generals? General Denikin Admiral Kolchak

24 Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

25 The Russian Civil War The video is a good brief overview of who was fighting, and some of the key events during the Civil War. 4:27 Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.


27 White Generals – how will you remember their names?
General Yudenich General Denikin Admiral Kolchak Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

28 Bolshevik poster showing the Whites as dogs on leads held by the Allied Powers. The dogs are named Denikin, Kolchak and Yudenich. Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

29 Homework due next lesson: “The Role of Trotsky and the Red Army”
Read WJEC book page 86 – take notes on Trotsky’s role during the Civil War Use your notes and knowledge to find four images from the internet that you could use to illustrate what Trotsky’s role was during the Civil War. Consider including: different pictures / illustrations / cartoons / graphs & charts / etc Objective: to explain the relative strengths of the Reds and Whites during the Civil war, and to identify factors why the Communists won.

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