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Accountability Peer Group Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "Accountability Peer Group Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountability Peer Group Webinar
October 9, 2017


3 Presenters Jenna Cullinane Hege, PhD Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Strategic Planning & Funding 512/ Bill Abasolo, JD Director Strategic Planning & Analysis 512/

4 Administrative Issues
Attendees are muted, unmuted as needed Unmuting may not be possible if you didn’t enter Attendee ID when connecting to audio using phone Use chat box to ask questions/make comments during presentation Questions may also be sent to Gabriela Borcomon at

5 Agenda 9:00 Welcome and Introductions
9:15 Review of Goals and Measures 9:45 Accountability System 10:30 Data Reporting Timeline 10:40 Break 10:45 Institutional Feedback 11:00 Legislative Update 11:20 60x30TX Update and 11:40 Discussion 12:00 Adjourn

6 Goals and Revised Measures
Determine the effectiveness and quality of institutions Evaluate and compare institutional data to improve student and institutional outcomes Highlight state priorities for institutions and other users, including priorities in the state strategic plan for higher education Track progress toward 60x30TX strategic plan

7 Proposed Key Measures

8 Proposed Contextual Measures

9 Accountability - New System, Same Purposes
Determine the effectiveness and quality of institutions Evaluate and compare institutional data to improve student and institutional outcomes Highlight state priorities for institutions and other users, including priorities in the state strategic plan for higher education

10 Timeline for System Updates
Redesign of software architecture and user interface – Dec 2015 Institutions involved in review of measures - Spring and Fall 2016 System soft-launch – March 2017 Board approval of public institution measures – July 2017 Board approval of for profit and career school measures – Jan 2018

11 Why did we make changes? Measures aligned to the goals and targets of 60x30TX Fewer, clearer indicators of performance Improve ease of navigation Provide access to interactive data

12 Types of Data Available
Closing the Gaps 60x30TX Enrollment Degrees awarded, graduation, and persistence rates Faculty and research Institutional efficiency and effectiveness Completion (credentials awarded, graduation, and persistence rates) Post-graduation workforce and education outcomes Student debt and SCH to degree Sector-specific/other

13 Who Uses Accountability?
Decision makers Legislators University Systems Community College Boards Institutions CB Staff We are promoting use of the new system with the support of a new data trainer.

14 How Does THECB Use Accountability Data?
New program reviews and requests Online institutional resumes Texas Higher Education Almanac/Compare College TX Community college success points Institutional comparisons Regional planning

15 Finding Accountability

16 Accountability System Demo!

17 Data Reporting – FY 2017 Included in 60x30TX
Certificate of Authority or Authorization System opens October 15, 2017 Initial reports due December 1, 2017 Reports certified by January 15, 2018

18 Two-Year Institution Data Reporting 2017

19 Institutional Feedback
Revised Measures Accountability System Data Reporting Other?

20 Legislative Update 85th Texas Legislature - SB 1781
Authorizes the Coordinating Board to require certain private postsecondary educational institutions to maintain reserves, line of credit or surety instruments that, when combined with tuition and fee receipts, are sufficient to allow the institution to fulfill its educational obligations to its students if the institution is unable to continue to provide instruction.

21 Wrap Up Learning Outcomes
Participants will become knowledgeable about the content and navigation of the new accountability system. Participants will understand the upcoming timeline for board approval of measures and upcoming data reporting timeline. The THECB will receive institutional feedback about the new system. Participants will learn about 60x30TX and how career schools contribute to statewide goals. Participants will learn about legislative activity relevant to universities.


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