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Systematic Theology II The Doctrine of Sin

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1 Systematic Theology II The Doctrine of Sin
The Imputation of Adam’s Sin

2 Review of Last Week The Pervasiveness of sin in the human race.
Total Depravity and Total Inability What total depravity means and what it doesn’t mean How total depravity affects our consciousness of sin False Views of Depravity Pelagianism says natural man is basically well. He can come to God on his own. Semi-Pelagianism says natural man is fundamentally weak. He can start to God on his own, but God must complete the process. Arminianism says that natural man is in some respects ill. Yet, because of prevenient grace, man can make an initial overture and response to God. Wesleyanism says that natural man is really sick, but because of prevenient grace, is in a state of volitional equilibrium and is able to cooperate with God and be saved. Scripture teaches that man is dead in trespasses and sins and can only be saved by God’s initiative.

3 The Imputation of Adam’s Sin
Scripture is clear that because of the first man’s sin, all of his descendants are born sinners. How sin reaches each descendant and the form it comes in remains a matter of debate.

4 The Sin Involved The Pelagian Theory Objections w Textual Proof
All die for their own voluntary sins. Some die without having sinned voluntarily (Rom 5:13-14). All die for Adam’s one sin (Rom 5:12, 14-19). All live by Christ’s one act, just as all die by Adam’s one act (Rom 5:12, 18b) Paul says seven times in Romans 5:12-21 that the one person who involved all humanity in sin, condemnation, and death was Adam.

5 The Union Involved – How is Adam’s sin transmitted to his descendants?
Seminal Headship View Federal Headship View A biological and genealogical union existed between Adam and his descendants, so that when he sinned, all sinned. All humanity personally sinned when Adam sinned because they were “in Adam.” Adam was the representative of the human race and stood the test for the entire race. When he sinned, his sin and its consequences were imputed to his descendants. Union here means the union between Adam and his progeny. Crucial question: Are we sinners by imputation (Federal Headship) or by participation in a nature changed by one action (Seminal Headship)?

6 Inherited and Imputed Sin Illustrated

7 One Man (Adam) One Man (Christ) 15 16 17 18 19 21 One man’s trespass
Rom 5 One Man (Adam) One Man (Christ) 15 One man’s trespass many died One man’s grace righteousness to many 16 One transgression judgment & condemnation Many trespasses Gift justification 17 Trespass of one death reigned Through Christ believers will reign 18 One trespass condemnation to all One righteous act justification to all 19 Disobedience of one many made sinners Obedience of one Many made righteous 21 Sin reigned in death Grace reigns to life

8 Excursus: Infant Salvation
McCune lays out 3 views (p. 84): Infants who die are damned. Infants who die are saved. The Bible does not speak to this matter. After acknowledging that there are difficulties with any of these views, McCune prefers view 2 for the following reasons: Infants and children under a certain (though unspecified) age in the Bible are considered to have done neither right nor wrong (Deut 1:39; Jon 4:11; Isa 7:14-16; Rom 9:11-13). Children are depicted as possessing relative innocence (1 Cor 14:20). God’s work of salvation is unilateral in nature and He can regenerate an infant if He chooses to (Luke 1:15). There is a relationship between works and final judgment. Infants have no such accountable works. There is the example of David’s son as described in 2 Sam 12:22-23. Perhaps it is best to conclude, in light of Scripture’s silence on the matter, that a holy and righteous God will always do what is right.

9 Next Week: The Doctrine of Christ
The Pre-existence of Christ and The Incarnation and Kenosis of Christ

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