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Class of 2017.

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1 Class of 2017

2 Forms & Contracts – on KHS Website
All forms & contracts will be available on line Check with Yanina to see if she will update senior web page. Kim McKee and Kathy Stover will update graduation contract. Cori Hackworth will update prom contract.

3 Fee Waiver Cap and Gown – Alison Morris
Counseling Office Jostens is going to have all seniors fill out order information. Alison will order caps and gowns when the fee waiver list is available.

4 Prom – Cori Hackworth, Joann Lapointe, Jack Witt, Dough Lakin
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017 Theme: Old Hollywood Where: The Reserve at Bluebird Hill Time: pm Doug Lakin and Jack Witt are senior sponsors. Cori Hackworth and Joann LaPointe are going to help coordinate prom. Joann is working on tickets and Cori is the contact with The Reserve. Ticket prices have not been set yet.

5 Prom - Saturday, April 29, 2017 No one 21 or over may attend prom
Each person attending must sign a Prom Contract. Prom Contracts must be completed & turned in at the time that tickets are purchased.

6 Graduation Speech – Renata Krumm
3/9 - Graduation Speech Registration (by noon) 3/31 - Graduation Speech Scripts (by noon) 4/4 - Graduation Speech Try-outs (3:45 p.m.) 4/6 - Graduation Speech Notification Renata Krumm will coordinate selecting senior speakers for Graduation, Awards Night and Baccalaureate. Ms. Krumm will check with Valedictorian to find out if he or she wants to give a Valedictory Address at graduation. Cori Hackworth is going to find out who the Senior Class President is for Typically, the Class President gives the Welcome at Graduation.

7 Baccalaureate – Wear Gown/Not Cap
Sunday (usually in May) TBA Kim Mckee is checking with PTSA. We have selected Sunday, May 7, 2017 as a tentative date.

8 Senior Awards Night & Reception
KHS Auditorium Monday, May 8, 2017 6:30 p.m. Reception to follow Melissa Mink is in charge of Senior Awards and Cori Hackworth is in charge of the Senior Awards Night Reception. Additionally, Anne Cook has agreed to do Underclass Awards on May 9th if that date is available. We need to contact ROTC to secure Colonel O’Donnel to be the MC for both nights.

9 Attendance Incentive 1st semester
Any student with no more than: four (4) absences in a yearlong class (lodge) two (2) absences in a semester class one (1) absence in a nine-week class will have his/her lowest major test grade dropped in the calculation of his/her class average. This does not include local/state EOC's, dual enrollment, International Baccalaureate, or Advanced Placement exams. The definition/determination of “major test” is left to the discretion of the teacher. Same as last year

10 2nd Semester Senior Finals
Thursday & Friday, May 11th and 12th When is the lodge final? 3rd and 4th should be on May 11 and 1st and 2nd should be on May 12th.

11 Attendance Incentive 2nd semester seniors.
Second term seniors No more than 2 absences per class & a minimum of a “76” average may opt out of the final exam (This exam cannot be a state, IB, or AP exam). Same as last year

12 Mandatory Graduation Practice May 19th @ 10:00
Thompson Boiling Arena Be there by 9:45 Someone will need to cover Kathy Stover’s class in the am

13 Graduation – Saturday, May 20 @ 4:30 p.m.
Thompson Boiling Arena Seniors 3:30 p.m. Melissa Mink and Renata Krumm will line up graduates. Alison Morris and Kim McKee will do the usual duties. SPED and secretaries always help hand out diplomas. SPED is in charge of teacher regalia.

14 Graduation Contract Kim McKee Counseling Office
Kim McKee and Kathy Stover will update contract to be placed on the website.

15 Graduations obligations and fees
$25.00 graduation fee covers the expenses of diplomas, programs, decorations, security and other expenses incurred for this ceremony. This fee is set by Knox County. Kim McKee

16 Graduations obligations and fees
Turn in contract to Kim McKee –Counseling Office pay any required fees turn in all books & uniforms by Friday, May 5, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. Kim McKee

17 Yearbook Info – Sarah Daniel
Senior Ads on sale until 11/18/16  Be sure to get a flier to your parents & read the directions Yearbook distribution – Friday, May 12, 2017 Sarah Daniel

18 Calendar On the KHS Website Bulletin board – downstairs back hallway
Yanina Zinchenko will keep website updated. Cori Hackworth and the Leadership Class will keep the senior bulletin board updated. Kim McKee will post dates in front foyar after the “Let it Snow” decorations come down.

19 College App Week – October 3 – 7
The goal of College App Week is to build excitement around the college application process and provide every graduating Tennessee high school senior the opportunity to apply to college and for the TN Promise. The events for Karns High School are as follows:

20 College App Week – October 3 – 7
Monday, October 3 School staff in college gear and discuss their college going experience during class time

21 College App Week – October 3 – 7
Tuesday, October 4 Knox County College Fair field trip for juniors and seniors Parent Information Night for Financial Aid at 6:00 p.m. in the KHS Auditorium presented by TSAC

22 College App Week – October 3 – 7
Wednesday, October 5 College App Day (seniors will be called by intercom to library in groups to complete TN Promise application and college apps)

23 College App Week – October 3 – 7
Thursday, October 6 TN Promise Meeting (mandatory for all seniors who have applied) at 10:30 a.m. in the KHS Auditorium

24 College App Week – October 3 – 7
Friday, October 7 Special dessert during all lunches for seniors who have completed TN Promise application; scholarship winners announced Contact Lyndsey to see if she wants to address the senior class at the meeting on September 23.

25 $$$$ ACT $$$$ ACT is a national college admissions examination – English, Math, Reading & Science ACT results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the US. ACT Preparation Course - Pareto ACT Test Date October 22nd December 10th (November 4th)

26 Free After School Tutoring - Pareto
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  ACT Tutoring 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FALL Break 16 17 18 19 20 21 22  ACT Test 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

27 University of Tennessee 24 - 29
Pellissippi State Community College 19 East Tennessee State University Carson Newman College Roane State Community College

28 Counseling Office – Lyndsey Donnell
Pick up papers in the Cafeteria when you leave

29 Class of 2017 Questions?

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