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GEM, applications for SR experiments and tracking in HEP

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1 GEM, applications for SR experiments and tracking in HEP
Lev Shekhtman Budker INP

2 DIMEX – Detector for Imaging of EXplosions
OD4 – One-dimensional detector for WAXS (wide angle X-ray scattering) SRRE – tagging system for KEDR experiment at VEPP-4M

3 Motivation

4 The detector requirements
Time resolution ~100 ns Spatial resolution ~0.1 mm Detection efficiency >50% for 20 keV photons Photon rate capability 1010 – 1012 s-1mm-2

5 Detector design White SR beam from 2T wiggler at 2GeV, Eav~20keV
Drift electrode White SR beam from 2T wiggler at 2GeV, Eav~20keV GEM Strips Length = 30 mm Pitch = 0.1 mm Xe-CO2(80-20) 7atm

6 DIMEX DIMEX1 Station “Explosion” at VEPP-3 SR bunker

7 Detector for imaging of explosions (DIMEX) is developed with
the following parameters: Time resolution ~40ns (charge collection time constant), frames separation 500ns, frame duration ~250ns, number of frames 32; Spatial resolution ~0.19mm (FWHM), number of channels 256, channels pitch 0.1mm; Dynamic range ~100, limiting rate (incident) is ~10000 ph/chan/bunch~ ~1012ph/mm sq./s, DQE (measurement) ~25% (for white SR beam with 0.1mm Al filtration)

8 Density distribution in the detonation wave
4 frames with the images of running detonation wave

9 Diffraction studies at SR beam

10 OD-4 2048 channels 0.2mm pitch 67o aperture 350mm focus distance
Eg = 5-10keV

11 OD-4

12 OD-4 Single channel efficiency 8 keV, Ar-CO2(75-25) Channel response
mm Single channel efficiency 8 keV, Ar-CO2(75-25) Channel response

13 Tagging system for KEDR
e- , p1 e+ , p2 p'1 p'2 Рис.1 Двухфотонное взаимодействие e+ e- Electrons that lost their energy in two-photon interaction are bent out from the orbit and pass through coordinate stations (TS1-TS4) Two-photon interaction

14 GEM detector for the tagging system

15 GEM detector for the tagging system

16 GEM detector for the tagging system
final detector(2006) prototype (2001) Signal correlation

17 Position-sensitive and tracking detectors
with GEM. DIMEX – GEM is used for shielding of ions and attenuation of the signal. Operating for 4 years. OD4 – triple-GEM with arc shape. Full-size detector with partly equipped readout structure Tagging system – 8 triple-GEM detectors with special small angle stereo readout. All detectors are installed on the collider, one shoulder is fully equipped and operating

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