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Decision Support Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Support Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Support Systems
Julie Muller Lizzy VanHorn Michael Stocks

2 DSS are user-driven and rely on the knowledge possessed by its user
What is a DSS? An information system that utilizes analytical modeling and helps executives make strategic decisions DSS are user-driven and rely on the knowledge possessed by its user

3 Structured or Unstructured? Strategic or Operational?

4 Operational Management
Decision Structure Information Characteristics Ad Hoc Unscheduled Summarized Infrequent Forward Looking External Wide Scope Unstructured Strategic Management Semi-structured Tactical Management Pre-specified Scheduled Detailed Frequent Historical Internal Narrow Focus Operational Management Structured

5 Who in an organization do you think would use a Decision Support System??

6 Information Flow Executives Enterprise Collaboration System
Executive Information System Executives Enterprise Collaboration System DSS Managers System Information Flow MIS Information Exchange/ Communication TPS PCS Operational Systems and Staff

7 Types of DSS Model-driven Data-driven Communication-driven
Document-driven Knowledge-driven

8 Why Use a DSS? Linear Programming Regression Analysis Decision Trees

9 Content of Information?
Accurate Complete Economical Flexible Reliable Relevant Simple Timely Verifiable Accessible Secure

10 Most Important Accurate Complete Flexible Relevant Timely

11 DSS Reporting is produced through Analytical Modeling
Goal seeking Sensitivity What-If Scenarios Optimization

12 Analytical Modeling Type of Modeling Example
What-if analysis If we raised our advertising budget by 15% of our employees, what would happen to sales? Sensitivity analysis Continuously raise our advertising budget by 1% to monitor its relationship to sales Goal-seeking analysis Increase our advertising budget until sales reach $10 million Optimization analysis What number of advertisements maximizes our overall profit?

13 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Client PCs OLAP Server Corporate Databases Multi- Dimensional Database

14 RECALL: What is the difference between an MIS and a DSS?
MIS- Shows past and present, tells problem but does not give a solution DSS- Use forecasting and predictive models but human makes the end decision

15 MIS Provides information about the performance of an organization
Contains information, but does not help an executive determine the best decision to make Generic & periodic reports

16 DSS Explores possible alternatives and develops models to help predict outcomes of situations. Produces flexible, adaptive reports generated through an interactive interface. May only be generated once Customized, non-generic

17 Fair Isaac Enterprise Decision Management Business rules
Predictive models Decision service Normally total $200,000 plus

18 Fair Isaac’s Success More than 5000 businesses in more than 80 countries 9 of the top 10 companies in the Fortune 500 Multiple success stories of big and small companies

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